Forgiveness continued (tw slight spiritual context)

Started by Sprinkles, June 17, 2023, 07:05:56 AM

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I read through the original post and can relate to much of what everyone said.

I have been approached many times that I should forgive so I can feel better. I would reply what she did was unforgivable.

I feel forgiveness is not for something that was intentionally malicious.

When your child breaks something accidentally. Of course, forgiveness should be granted because they're little and it's truly an accident. Humans makes mistakes.

What the abusers do are not mistakes. In my experience what she did was deliberate and the intention was to damage me.

I heard her say she made mistakes and "God" will forgive her. If I were to tell her I forgive her I'd be validating her delusion.

I was the innocent one, and she made the choice. I had no power to force her to break the cycle.

In my situation she treated my sister better. So it wasn't that she wasn't capable of treating me better.

It was refreshing to read the original post and replies. I can feel better about my resistance to forgiving someone undeserving.

What gave me a sense of peace was having faith that we have to pay for what we do at some point.

For those who don't learn in this life, there is eternity in the afterlife.

I guess the sentiment that there will be accountability whether these abusers want it or not. That there will be a type of justice even if I won't see it.