Three Good Things Today Part 8

Started by Kizzie, January 10, 2023, 03:50:40 PM

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1) I did my meditation
2) I took my meds
3) I made it into town centre before noon and experienced some flow - one good thing followed another, none of which would have happened if I hadn't gone out of the house after all!
4) On and off :sunny:  :sunny:  is better than none at all, especially when unexpected :)


1) Fresh air coming into my bedroom through open window
2) I got up and did my meditation
3) I read a couple of posts here on OOTS but doing self-care and not responding.


1) I've just done my meditation again
2) It's evening so an unusual time for my meditation, but I have started up again, that's the main thing!
3) I do feel a bit better, a bit more hopeful for having done my meditation  :)


3 Good Things Today

1) Opening the window into the sunshine, feeling the sun on my face and looking down into the garden

2) Looking up names of flowers in English and seeing more photos of the flowers and information on the plants while I'm about it. I enjoy the whole process :)

3) Suddenly feeling the energy and general wherewithal to do a few things - phoned 3 friends to pass on some information and have a quick chat of whom I reached two + cleaned a couple of parts in my bathroom that really needed it and now I feel good and purposeful for having accomplished that rather than exhausted or otherwise triggered (as is often the case unfortunately)

3+ Good Things Over the Past Few Days

1) Working in the garden yesterday

2) Going into town centre yesterday morning and enjoying bumping into friends and having a quick chat, enjoying outdoor farmer's market, getting an enthusiastic greeting from one person at 'my' farm stand, doing a quick job for them that will help Sun/Mon whether or not I manage to go, enjoying the sun

3) Nice hot cup of tea
4) Getting the bus (free here on Saturdays) and walking as an alternative to cycling; I notice different things when I'm walking and go slightly different routes. Had a little waiting time and went to gaze at the river flowing deep and fast atm, not something I would normally do at that location if I have my bike with me

5) A friend's husband brought me the last remaining bulky item that he kindly took into his storage facility when I had to clear the storage area in previous building where I lived. It was in his storage room for 18 months :whistling:  :disappear: (tho there were reasons for that, mostly my exhaustion...)

6) Yesterday I got the call bus for part of my route and I was grateful that the person I spoke to when I was ordering it told me to go ahead and order because "that's what it's there for". I'd been thinking and said that if nobody else had ordered then it would be a kind of a waste so I 'should' just walk, since not really very far. Oh there's that 'should' again, so a doubly Good Thing that the bus co. employee said things that meant "Of course it's worth it just for you alone !"

7) I went to our local library's board games evening on Thursday. It was fun and sociable and I managed a good mix of mentally taxing game and a bit more relaxing and relaxed but not too easy

8 ) I have flowers in vases dotted all over my apt

9) Friday after trauma T, I managed about 12 minutes of the 15-min. meditation I'm meant to be doing daily if possible and it did help me settle better. It was good that I tried it when I felt it would be helpful and that I tried it at a different time from what I had been practising regularly (before stopping) which had been immediately on getting up.   

10) I feel more hopeful after trauma T on Friday


1) Still feeling more hopeful, and more energised :)

2) Did a lot of self-care today, including skin care and foot care

3) I was at choir practice for the first time in a few weeks this evening and now hymns are running through my head and I'm smiling :)


1) Singing lesson was difficult today for me physically/emotionally BUT the Good Thing was how my singing teacher worked with me. It was in such a way that I did end up being able to do warm-up exercises that involved singing though after we'd tried that fairly early on, I said it was far too difficult and I'd just like to do head/face/neck relaxation exercises and maybe Gorilla exercise and call it a day. No, I did manage to sing AND my teacher brought in some of my favourite exercises near the end :)   She'd remembered, tho at least one we hadn't done for at least 4 weeks!

2) Yesterday I bought myself something like a quiche and warmed it up to eat today piping hot. It tasted good and has left me feeling pleasantly satiated.

3) I made it to church service this evening and enjoyed the singing.

4) Did a little weeding today and gazed at my flowers and other flowers in garden.

5) Whenever I cycle or walk down the drive a nice scent from one of the roses wafts my direction :)


1) I eventually got up
2) I phoned a friend
3) I went into the garden twice, despite the rain
4) The scent of wild roses and some cultivated roses
5) Thinking up some things I do which are helpful to society


For yesterday:

1) Going up into my attic to lean out the window and enjoy the view :)

2) Saw 2 foals, each with its mother, in a field

3) In my singing lesson I noticed how some warm-up and voice exercises were much easier than last week - just because I'm doing better in general


1) Making the time to come on here to write Good Things

2) I finally found my last two inpatient reports! :cheer:

3) Drinking nice hot tea


1) I got up wanting to do my meditation

2) I did my meditation and this time it was easier to concentrate on my breathing

3) Most of my bedroom is a lot cleaner than it has been for weeks and my bed is changed - I feel a lot better in my bedroom now. I also have a semi-constant picture in my mind of my rug glowing red and dust-free :)


1) I woke up before my alarm this morning and then got up

2) For brunch with emphasis on the latter part of the word, I fried up mushrooms and onions both of which needed using up (before I scarper for 24 hours to the farm) and added them to quark cheese, the latter from the farm. There was a little tomato/veg sauce needing used up so I threw that in too. It's not gourment cooking and I'm not offering this as a recipe, it's just absolutely excellent when I cook at all atm and using up odds and ends gives me a good, capable feeling too :)  :)

3) I've done little bits of cleaning today

4) Yesterday I had to recharge the battery for the cargo bike and even though the woman at the place where I collect the cargo bike demonstrated how to do it, that kind of thing remains difficult. I had to google instructions eventually. But it did work :cheer:

5) Today I had to re-attach battery to bike and I managed after a couple of attempts too :cheer:  by giving self a pep talk basically :cheer:   So now I can cycle up to the farm, don't have to bus it and walk it. (Train out of action for 6 weeks :thumbdown: )