Symptoms intensifying after marriage

Started by serene, August 20, 2017, 10:11:38 AM

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I am wondering if it is normal to experience an increase in CPTSD symptoms after marriage? I know that marriage itself is a stressful event, particularly if it involves moving across the country and starting a new life. Is it normal to be triggered by positive events in life? I have read a book about another sufferer who began having intense panic attacks after being happily married and financially set. Something that she did not experience prior during her years of extreme trauma and homelessness. Is it common for symptoms of trauma to show up and intensify even if your life has taken a turn for the better?

Three Roses

Hello serene, welcome to the forum! Yes, I think stress is the thing that underlies most of our triggers, and even happy stress - a marriage, a new job, a baby, a move to a better house, etc.

As for intensifying, in my own experience that happened over time and as near as I can tell was mainly because my trauma went untreated.

I look forward to hearing more from you, thanks for joining!



I agree that all stress can exasperate symptoms.  I think being just married has got to be extremely stressful, then moving.  Maybe good stress, but stress.  Your body can't tell the difference from bad and good stress.


Thanks for the warm welcome! ThreeRoses, why do you think your trauma intensified over time? What exactly causes the mind to spiral downward instead of heal by itself when the environment has been changed? Is it all the learned unhealthy processes that tend to follow us? And why exactly does the trauma get worse even if the original triggers are gone?