Why is College So Hard for Me?

Started by Spirals, January 20, 2017, 07:15:58 AM

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Good point Tekes, definitely worth investigating if there is a means to. Something I probably should have done actually.

Alternative textbooks is a great idea. I found simple searches on websites which explained the most basic concepts in a simple way, a great help.

Youtube videos that explain mathematical concepts with spoken word and visuals accompanying their derivations help the pennies drop much quicker when reading the dry textbooks. Check out Khan Academy, and there will be other videos from various professors that come up.

Wolfram Alpha is a great site too... why am I only thinking of all this now?? Will give Tekes that credit for jogging the memory.

So Spirals, not sure if you are doing any of this already, but visuals and process flows that explain algorithms really do help my comprehension personally. Could that work for you?


Hi, Tekes and Contessa

It did feel good. I was like  :woohoo:  for the rest of the day.

I have tried to get testing. But the tester at my school wanted me to get on antidepressants for six months and then get tested, even though I had been diagnosed with some type of LD as a child. They did give me test accommodations, though. As there is a history of bipolar and schizophrenia in my family, I was hesitant to get on AD's during the school year in case I had a bad reaction.

I thought of getting the testing independently, but I was worried the cost would be too much.

I have wanted to try medication, though. I had some success with certain herbs, and it makes wonder what the right drug could do for me. I have tried therapy, but not long enough to make a difference.

It does work for me, hah hah! I watch Khan Academy a lot. I like to "prelearn" or review math material with it. Or I watch his lectures if my teacher's explanation doesn't make sense to me. I heard of Wolfram Alpha but never used it yet. I also go to SI or study groups.

Visuals help me a lot actually, I like to draw pictures and motion arrows of what is happening to the numbers or symbols, lol. I'm good at remembering formulas for some reason. I have found the way math textbooks are written to be hard for me to relate to, though. :blink:

I try to stay positive, but I have my negative days. I try not to talk much then cause I usually just think of some way to rationalize the pessimistic way I'm feeling, lol.