A little cathartic verse

Started by positivelysomewhere, May 31, 2016, 09:22:59 PM

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I'm not a poet. At least... not yet. But I feel as though some impassioned free-form writing will help me right now. Feel free to contribute your own!

This moment

I can't believe I'm here again
I can't believe it
I just ate an entire packet of imported biscuits... £3.49, thanks very much
My poor body
Again, I take up arms against myself
(again, again)
So many times
Too many times
I know better
And yet there is a child, blind with pain
Inside me and she swings her fists
She doesn't know what else to do
My pulse thuds in my ears
around me is the mess of my bedroom
I suppose this is the aftermath.

I need to get out of this place.