Minor Relapse

Started by Cocobird, January 30, 2016, 07:42:13 AM

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I fell about a week ago, and bruised my ribs and my face was black and blue. The doctor said it would take a while to heal. I took lots of Advil for the pain. Bad idea. My GERD flared up, and my asthma was getting bad. So I did some research and found that these are common side effcts. The next day I bought Tylenol. Stomach has calmed down, but asthma symptoms continue. Just congested when I try to do much of anything -- no wheezing. I guess I'll have to wait it out.

In the meantime, all kinds of things are triggering me. The book club book bothered me a lot, so I decided, after some nasty dreams, to return the book and not go to the discussion.

Last night I had a very weird dream about my ex. When I woke up, i I worked myself up about the rotten things he had done.  I did get out. It was five in the morning, but I knew that staying in bed and getting more stressed wasn't a good idea. So I got up and did some other things around the house. Woke up again at 9. I haven't had triggers like that for a long time. And my house is a disaster, since I can't clean and that bothers me.

This too will pass. Thanks for listening.

Dutch Uncle

A very gentle and careful   :hug: for you.


 And another Cocobird  :hug: