New to OOTS, Thankful to find this resource

Started by JoannaSunshine, September 28, 2014, 11:37:44 PM

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Hi All,
I have been living with CPTSD for about 20 years now, only just diagnosed with it about 18 months ago. It has been an eye opening and healing experience to finally have a correct diagnosis and some helpful therapy after living so many years not understanding what was wrong with me.
I did DBT for a year after being diagnosed, it changed my whole life. I loved it and still practice the skills I learned there every day. I am currently looking into other alternative therapies like EMDR and acupuncture. Have found acupuncture very helpful for dealing with symptoms and stressors/triggers.
I am so happy to finally find an online support resource for this disorder. I know I have just begun to scratch the surface when it comes to learning more and healing my wounds. I must say, sometimes I get really sad and frustrated that this will be a lifelong struggle I have to deal with. But I am glad to know that there are others out there going through the same thing. I think both my partner and my mother (who is mentally ill, and being raised by her was one of the traumas I endured on a daily basis that caused me to have CPTSD) may also suffer from some form of PTSD, but I have never met another person diagnosed with CPTSD. It's almost a relief to read through the posts from all of you on this site and find so much that I relate to.
I just want to say thank you all for being here, I'm glad to be part of this group


Hi Joanna and welcome to Out of the Storm!  Unfortunately there are a few of us here with CPTSD and we're growing daily. While that's not a good thing, it's great to have each other as we work on recovering. 

If you haven't already had a look around, please read over the "Guidelines for Members" and browse through some of the forums to see what we've been talking about. I see  that you have posted elsewhere about wanting some information about EMDR.  I posted some links but thought I'd paste them here as well:

The EMDR Institute - comprehensive description of EMDR, how it works and list of research regarding its efficacy -

Korn, D. (2009) "EMDR and the Treatment of Complex PTSD: A Review" - Available:

Huso, D. (2010),  "Treating Child Abuse Trauma With EMDR" Available:

Forgash, C. (2002). "Treating Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder with EMDR and Ego State Therapy" Available:

van der Hart, O., Nijenhuis, E. & Soloman, R. (2010). "Dissociation of the Personality in Complex Trauma-Related Disorders and EMDR: Theoretical Considerations." Available:

Interview with Bessel van der Kolk: "Restoring the Body - Yoga, EMDR and Treating Trauma" Available:

I don't think we have any members that have done DBT so it would be interesting to hear more about that, especially given you found it so helpful.  I was really surprised to hear that acupuncture has helped you!  You'll have to tell us more about that too.

Again welcome and glad  you found your way here  :hug:


Thanks so much Kizzie, I will take a look at those links and group guidelines as well.


Hi Joanna,   


Welcome to the forum.  !!!   Sorry to hear of your struggles but it sounds like you have been very pro-active in healing since your diagnosis.  Thank you for sharing that.  Somewhere on the forum there is a link to a DBT handbook that I have in my stuff to read.  It sounds like it was very helpful for you.  I haven't been here very long, but have found this forum to be very helpful and supportive.  You definitely are not alone.



Hi, JS,

nice to meet you.  :wave:

I hope you'll have a great time joining in the discussions on this forum. It's nice to meet others wh are dealing with many of the same issues - lowers the feeling of isolation a bit that people with CPTSD often have.

See you around! kf