Just saying....tired of somatic issues

Started by Jdog, May 06, 2015, 03:38:10 AM

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Many of us have somatic issues, and as I read more about them I am learning that our minds kind of transplant difficulties that would otherwise overwhelm us emotionally and voila! we have pain in our bodies.  It's great knowing this, and terrific to lean into the pain rather than escaping, but I do wish I could find the "off" switch....

Just a little rant.  Thanks for letting me get it out.  Life is getting better all the time; I'm just wishing for a more linear route through the jungle.  But where would be the fun in that?


To Jdog

I'm glad you had a rant! It's good to express yourself.

Yes the body is the physical manifestation of the mind. So many aches and pains to find room for. I hold all my pain in the back shoulders and neck region. So many things going haywire there! Obviously result from feeling crushed burdened shamed and overwhelmed.

How about you? What is your body saying? It's ok if this is too personal, sometimes generalising can be helpful. Sometimes not.

I wish you well in any case



Hi -

No not too personal.  My somatic issues include IBS, psoriasis, and extreme tension and pain in neck and shoulders (location of an injury I got many years ago while performing violin).  Some days and weeks are better, some worse.  As you indicated, our bodies both reflect our inner landscape and are powerful teachers.  I am trying to learn my lessons.