Emotional flashbacks

Started by Awb1988, March 02, 2024, 04:50:09 PM

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I just had a recent episode where I feel like my surroundings are unsafe that my partner is going to hurt me and I know none of it is true but my body seizes up and I freeze watching for his every movement or threatening sound. This has happened with almost every partner. I could see the hurt in his eyes because we've been together for 4 years and he's been the kindest most understanding person. But when it happens I can't help my feelings.

I don't see images just feelings. Is this considered an emotional flashback.


It sounds like an emotional flashback. It's quite usual to get triggered by something and then have a reaction that you can't necessarily identify as an EF until you know what they are. Because they are not (in my experience) like the physical re-living of the situation, with all the images etc. In many cases it is impossible for us to re-live the situation fully; we were either too young to have formed a full memory, or have buried/erased the full memory because it is too painful. That does not make the EF any less painful than what most people would probably think of as a flashback. I think it might make it harder because many times we don't know where this awful reaction is coming from, or why.


I've had this happen so many times but just didn't have the knowledge or understanding. I even forget I'm a grown man in my safe place and so far removed from danger. But man I feel so defenseless and small when it happens. Ty for your response.


Pete Walker calls them emotional flashbacks because when we are triggered it sends us back to the feeling state we were in when the incident happened. We feel rather than see the incident if that makes sense. He has a website with some great info here - https://www.pete-walker.com/pdf/emotionalFlashbackManagement.pdf . If you scroll down you'll see a 13 step strategy for managing emotional flashbacks (EFs).

Hope this helps.