
Started by amiew, January 29, 2024, 04:43:57 PM

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Hi, I am Amie. I have been treating Lyme Disease. Part of the healing process is dealing with a childhood I don't remember. I have experienced night terrors for twenty years. Recently recovered memories have brought up intense feelings of shame and worthlessness. I am committed to working on this for the foreseeable future. Thank you for offering this forum to share and encourage one another.


Welcome. I wish you well on your healing journey and look forward to seeing you around the boards.

Papa Coco

Hi Amie

Welcome to the forum! As you explore the writings of those of us who have joined here also, you'll probably noticed that quite a few of us began our journeys with recovered memories that, while being scary and heartbreaking, do finally begin to explain why we've felt so ashamed and worthless.  My memories of abuse hit me hard in a doctor's office when I was nineteen, but then hid away again, and resurfaced in my early twenties. As difficult at is it to accept what it was I'd been hiding from, the healing journey began at that point.

I'm glad you found this forum and I hope your time here helps bring some healing to the years of suffering with the shame and self-worth issues that were never your fault. I've been a member for 2 1/2 years, and the understanding and care that I've experienced here on the forum has been a godsend to my healing journey.



Hi and a very warm welcome to OOTS Amiew  :heythere: It's quite possible you may have Complex PTSD given the night terrors and now feelings of shame and worthlessness that are surfacing. If so you're in the right place. If I may I would suggest taking things slowly if possible as it can be too much if you dig into too much too quickly.  Just my thoughts as I did that and learned fairly quickly I needed to slow down. It is different for everyone though.