long term mamagement of cptsd

Started by timvic, April 26, 2015, 10:39:48 PM

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I am posting this-my first post- from london England and wondering if there are any older cite members or indeed anyone who is managing CPTSD long term. My first diagnosis was being signed off by my GP in 1999 with a post traumatic reaction following assault at work and carrying on without treatment until dismissal from my work in 2006. My experience is of a number of psychiatric evaluations,one by a leading forensic consultant psychiatrist whose reports confirmed moderate PTSD and depression- unfortunately they only seem to write reports and make recommendations upon which noone acts and don't treat the condition they identify. I have consequently been attempting to manage this condition since I acknowledged it as I could no longer deny it around 2006/7, since when I have had fairly long term counselling ended 2010, have trained as a counsellor and am in fact a qualified counsellor (who doesn't practice) have been on and off medication- SSRI's- currently off, tried mindfulness meditation, exercise routines etc etc but I still suffer its affects and now believe/know there is no cure. So I'm wondering how others manage long term with the personality changes that seem to have become my modus vivendi ie who I am: I wont detail them here as they are usefully summarised in wilki and I'm sure you are all very familiar with their debilitations. So I have concluded that I am just going to have to manage the best ways I can and live with this stuff for the rest of my naturals which in many ways is realistic but also feels bleak! How about you?


Hi timvic and a warm welcome to OOTS  :wave:  I haven't known I had CPTSD for as long as you, but of course I've had it for most of my life.  Once I did find out though I've found that there are a lot of really good resources - the people and resources on this site, my physician and meds,  therapy and lots of self-help books that help me to recover rather just manage symptoms.

Have a look around and through some of the forums and see what's here that may help you.  Glad you found your way to us  :hug: