Tv news trigging me *trigger warning

Started by Kittysnotthere, January 23, 2017, 01:42:28 AM

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I'm having trouble watching the news this weekend and have resorted to just reading articles instead. My husband was playing a news station and it was an interview between a news anchor and KellyAnne Conway. Her behavior was so much like my parents, especially my mother and she looks a lot like my mother, that it triggered me. Here's why:

The news anchor was asking about the press secretary and she was deflecting. Instead of answering the question she was pointing out the mistakes of a few others and saying they might have to rethink the relationship with the press. She finally gave an answer that seemed like a lie and then acted like a victim, saying she was being laughed at but she was a good person and would put up with it. This behavior is so simular to what my parents, particularly my mother, would do when I tried to talk to them about their behavior. 

I would try to talk to them about leaving us alone all the time or the unreasonable expectations, which I'm learning is called Parentilism. I was expected to be a nanny and a maid starting  at 8 years old and here I was trying to talk to her about it and she would talk around it. Then she would try to blame me and make herself the victim. This never changed. I've always been addressed as a child and even in my thirties told I was a rebellious child and should be seen and not heard. She says she's made a few mistakes but they are totally forgivable and it's obvious that it's my fault because I've had to see a counselor so I must be deranged.

So after years of being treated in that manner I'm concerned that there is a spokesperson for our new president that is using the same abusive manner of address. Since I  was recently hospitalized again and now this I have contacted a local women's resource center to see about therapy again. I have a feeling I'm going to need it.



I am certain that you are not alone in being triggered by this doublespeak coming from the new administration.  I watched the same spokesperson on "Meet the Press" and it is very disappointing to hear the deflections and outright lies so early in this new term.  I am not, in the least, suprised given the tone of the campaign and the amount of outright misinformation shoveled through the channels of communication.  But this is a sad time for all of us in America, regardless of political affiliation.

In terms of your being triggered and your response, I congratulate you upon contacting the women's center and seeking to re-enter therapy.  You totally deserve to have someone hear you out on the issues you had to deal with as a kid, as well as the ongoing abuse that you have had to endure ever since then.  This must be a frightening time, especially given your recent hospitalization.  My heart goes out to you, and sincere wishes for getting connected with real and meaningful support.

And once more, "Bah" to the current administration!! :hug:


i echo your 'bah' and raise you a 'humbug'!

kitty, i rarely watch the news anymore.  i tuned in a few times during the campaign and found it was just as you mentioned - on both sides - lots of diversions and lies.  i'm not tuning into any political anything anymore.  like my husband told me 'it's unnecessary punishment.'  i totally agree.

i won't say more, too infuriating.  but, i don't blame you for being triggered.  this administration is frightening to me on so many levels.  i'm keeping as far away from hearing any of it as possible.


I'll stay away from politics and just talk about news, in general.

News is very triggering for me so I am on a news break, that may never end.  I do get embarrassed at times when I have no idea of some major incident people are talking about or even ask me about.  Still, I like it this way.  If I get the feeling that there is something going on that I need to know about, I ask my sister.  I just never know what the next story is going to be about.


Avoiding the news because of triggers is everywhere. Many people avoid the news really all the way back to the 9/11 attacks. Others just because they have small children - better to NOT have that on, know what I mean?

I miss chunks and my friends miss chunks - we share when we think the other would want to know. If we want to know more, we research for ourselves. Then, it's targeted and we don't have to sit through all the horror that is local & national news, just to see the weather or the cute story about the pet adoption this weekend.


Hi Kitty - I have also been having a really difficult time with the news since Brexit in the UK and now the US election.  I have had to limit myself as to how much I watch.  For me it is for the same reason, the gaslighting (bald face lies and denial of reality) and threats, etc.,  are what I grew up with so to see a number of countries such as the UK and the US dealing with people in power who use tactics that are the hall mark of those with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, has triggered me repeatedly.  You are not imaging what you are seeing, I see it too as do hundreds of thousands of others. 

I am Cdn but both of those events turned my world upside down and recently we have just had a similar character enter into the race for the leadership of one of our parties. That has done it for me.  I went out and bought some pink wool and knitting needles. I couldn't act as a child, but I can as an adult so the antidote to the triggering is to push back and that's what I will do.  (I'm not suggesting that you should by the way, I'm just saying what is helping me.)

Note to OOTS Members:  We have not talked much about this on this forum because the whole topic has been so divisive and corrosive for so many.  If you do want to post, please refrain from getting into the nitty gritty politics of these countries, rather talk about the behaviour and character of those involved whom you find triggering as Kitty has done.  Above all else, please be respectful and considerate of the feelings and opinions of others. 


I think it can be a good thing not to watch or listen to any news for a while, at least until you feel like you're in a better place. A few weeks ago I was getting so worked up by the situations in the US and UK that I felt angry every time I heard something new, which would then dominate my mood. I can't control other people's racism and hate speech but I can at least protect myself from hearing about it and concentrate on being a good person myself, so I've really cut back on my news exposure. I'll come back to it when I'm feeling less triggered.  :yes:


I really wish I could not pay attention, but I find that impossible. I am too outraged. I feel like sitting idly by while so much that I care about is threatened will not serve me well. I've tried. It never works for me, probably because I had to do just that when I was a child. I know it is tough to talk about, being that we are not all in agreement, but yes I am feeling more anxiety, more anger and more sadness due to the current climate. I get very angry at those who are able to tune out, but it is misdirected anger. If you are able to tune out, you are practicing self-care on some level, and you can't be faulted for that.


Quote from: RBShard on February 22, 2017, 12:59:44 AMIf you are able to tune out, you are practicing self-care on some level, and you can't be faulted for that.

Yes. I saw something yesterday showing that even CPTSD is a coping mechanism, one we developed very young because without it we couldn't have survived. It's long, but worth a watch.


Sure is ironic that it's always the victims who are told they need to be tolerant, give others control and endless chances to prove how civil the powerful are. But if they're uncomfortable with the crumbs offered, are told to crawl back in their hole and be mocked, ridiculed, and then forgotten. When did civility become a one-way street with no crosswalks to avoid being run over?