Candid's Intro

Started by Candid, January 16, 2017, 11:43:16 AM

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Three Roses

You should check out all the downloads kizzie has made available in our Resources section:  Lots of info from knowledgeable sources about what cptsd is and how it differs from ptsd.


Quote from: sanmagic7 on January 19, 2017, 12:55:43 PM
i was just thinking that she could put her diagnosis in writing, something for the new shrink to see that came from a professional, that you've had a different diagnosis...

She was the person who first told me about the C in C-PTSD. I'd seen descriptions of PTSD and thought "that's how I feel!", but I knew 'it' had started long before a man raped me, and nothing in my earlier experience qualified me for PTSD. I was granted a disability pension on the grounds of her intervention, but in very few, informal, places is it written with that all-important C.

My current GP said I hadn't mentioned the single most identifying factor for a PTSD diagnosis: flashbacks. Even to me the Pete Walker "emotional flashbacks" sounded lame, but the doc said he would google C-PTSD as he'd never heard of it. Maybe that one's educable, but the clinic I attend gives me a different one each time I go there, so I haven't been able to follow up. I did point out that my secondary diagnosis, chronic depression, would more accurately be called abandonment depression.

Quotei'm a therapist and was ignorant of c-ptsd as a diagnosis until i did research on what was happening to me.

We need a million more like you, Magic! BTW I had emdr with the aforementioned therapist and was no further forward after two years of it. The idea sounded very good and still makes sense to me, so that was yet another disappointment.

Quoteit's not in the 'book' so there aren't that many people in the field who even know about it.

A pox on the book, say I!


i attend a clinic similar to what you're talking about - a different doc each month.  that really sucks - it's so frustrating.  no ability to build a rapport, for the doc to get to know you or your history at all.  my hub and i have become quite good at advocacy for what i've needed, including going to the director.  that's about the only way i get what's necessary for continuing forward.

i am sorry that the emdr didn't work for you.  that sucks, too!  (a lot of sucking going on!)

well, i went through a major emot. flashback last year, it lasted 8 mos., and was the most horrible thing i've been through since beginning recovery.  they're very real, they just don't usually take the form of the reg. ptsd flashback.  they can be confusing at the least, disorienting emotionally, mentally, and physically at the worst. 

i didn't understand what was happening to me - i was like a deer in the headlights, panic attacks, startle reflex that was off the charts, and couldn't explain it to myself or my husband who didn't know what the frick was going on with me until i found this forum and began reading, gathering info, hearing others' experiences.  it makes sense to me now.  i've also worked my way through it and it's a thing of the past.  thank the stars!  that doesn't mean another might not pop up, but i think i'll at least recognize what's happening to me if it does.  that's a relief in itself.

i had to laugh at your 'pox' comment!  i totally agree!  wishing you all the best with this upcoming 'event'.  i hope someone gets it right.  big hug!

Northern Soul

Candid. Welcome. You are a valuable and important member of society. Stay Strong and remember we support you !


I had an interview with a community psychiatric nurse who was very pleasant -- didn't say anything stupid, although he needed an explanation of C-PTSD -- then the following day I had a call from a psychiatrist who is going to refer me to a trauma specialist.

I don't have great hopes of this, but so far in the latest round only the psychiatrist has insulted my intelligence. And that's only to be expected, IME.

bring em all in

Candid- I'm glad there is a ray of hope! I started with a new therapist two weeks ago after working with several since 1992. These two weeks have been the most productive.

I hope it works out well for you!!!


hey, candid, i think being referred to a trauma specialist is at least a step in the right direction.  best to you.  hope to hear how it goes.  hugs!