Just introducing myself...

Started by juliannmhall, May 11, 2024, 03:33:45 AM

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My name is Julie,
I'm just starting this new journey. I've been diagnosed so many things over my lifetime but CPTSD is all my symptoms. I'm here for the long haul. I hope to get to know all of you and learn from you.

Papa Coco

HI Juliannmhall

Welcome to the community. I'm sorry to hear of your struggles but very glad you found this community. These folks have been a huge help in my life since I joined. It just feels so good to know there are people in the world who are enough like me that I can share my struggles with them and they understand where I'm coming from.

I hope the community is helpful to you as well.

Again; a warm welcome to you,




Hi Julie, welcome to our cozy corner of the world. Yes, cPTSD tends to bring all those diagnoses together. Everything here helps unravel the confusion and strengthen growth. You've made it this far, and that means you can go further, with us!  :heythere:


Hi and welcome Julie  :heythere:   It's a relief when you finally figure out or are diagnosed with CPTSD and all the pieces just fit in place.  Or so I found anyway.  Glad you found us and I hope you find what you need here.  :grouphug:



Welcome. I am sorry you have need of such a place as this - but since you do I am very glad you found us. I have always found everyone here to be supportive, kind and helpful. I'm sure you will too.


Welcome and you are not alone, for sure. I have all those letters after my name too...

ACA, Alanon, Coda, CPTSD, ADHD, and too many misdiagnoses to count.

See you round the forum!