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Messages - Manchesterford

Please Introduce Yourself Here / Re: Hello from the UK
November 21, 2016, 11:30:15 PM
Yum. Lemon curd! Raspberry curd is also amazing.
Frustrated? Set Backs? / is this shift recovery?
November 21, 2016, 11:28:40 PM
8weeks ago I was anxious, suffering panic attacks and unable to keep food down. I've changed therapy types and she has workedwith me on releasing fear.

It seems to have been successful and I'm functioning better with lower,  manageable anxiety.  However I am suffering greater waves of sadness and feelings of heart break and despair.  Is this a step forward or back?
It was suggested by a friend that my body had been focused on fear as that feeling was a bigger threat and now it is letting the sadness out.

Anyone any thoughts?  Experienceof this?

Thank you x
Sending love to all. I often feel much the same.  But please remember that everyday you wake up is a day you are recovering,  it isn't a quick process,  and every day is a step.
General Discussion / Re: Being "Shiny"
November 12, 2016, 09:23:07 AM
Biscuits,  I have never read the book but what you wrote resonated with me. I've actually used the word!  When I'm feeling low I often feel embarrassed about my appearance,  my belongings,  I worry that I don't look together or like a grown up. 
It is by far the most devastating experience of my life. I have suffered bereavements, failed health, financial struggles and been made redundant twice but this has torn me apart and left me broken in ways I never thought possible. I think, from talking with friends who have been divorced, our situations are more complicated and harder to process emotionally. Because, certainly in my case, the end of my marriage isnt due to a lack of love. It is a broken person unable to sustain it, to manage it, to commit to it. We are apart and I know it brings no real, deep joy to either of us. The pain is dreadful and the emptiness haunting.

I am trying very hard to come to terms with it and process these feelings. I am using EFT which I hope very much will help.
Livcurious - sending you tons of love and a massive hug. You are brave for sharing your truth here and I understand and sympathise. I have been through something very similar and am feeling very broken and rejected. It is so damaging to self worth. I am trying to rebuild, ro work through those feelings. I wish you peace and if i find a way through, or techniques that work i will share them x
General Discussion / Re: How is Your Digestion?
November 08, 2016, 09:44:28 PM
Emotional upset and stress always triggers a nervous digestive system in me. Calmer days and I can be fine but any upset and im a mess.
Please Introduce Yourself Here / Re: Hello from the UK
November 07, 2016, 08:21:59 PM
Butterfly,  Fen,  Hazel - me too!  Good to meet you all. X
General Discussion / Re: Feeling so sad
November 05, 2016, 08:25:11 PM
Have you tried tapping / EFT?  Google it.. It is very effective x
General Discussion / Re: Feeling so sad
November 02, 2016, 09:50:41 PM
Sending you love. Feeling much the same. x
Eating Issues / Re: Binge eating and autoimmune...?
October 27, 2016, 07:22:40 PM
Dear SarahDurga, I have an autoimmune disorder. There is evidence to suggest that they can be triggered by a traumatic event and flare ups are triggered by stress. Many auto immune diseases have digestive and adrennal issues linked, which are exaserbated by stress. There are definately links there,

Self-Help & Recovery / Re: Where do I begin?
October 25, 2016, 10:02:37 PM
Thank you Three Rose!  Just being here feels like a step. Moving away from looking at her illness and looking at myself.  X
Self-Help & Recovery / Where do I begin?
October 25, 2016, 08:51:33 PM
Hello, I am new to the site. I have been posting on Out of the Fog for some time but felt this might be a more appropriate place to be.

Over the past 2 years my parner who suffers from BPD has behaved in ways that arent acceptable. She has hurt me, she has left me (we are currently seperated). I have sat in therapy and worked through the issues, the boundaries I must set. I have accepted she has a major mental health problem and that she needs treatment.  I know that even if we do get back together it wont be plain sailing. I know that I have low self worth and that I have accepted behviour that isnt loving. I know at the moment she isnt trying and that her focus is on herself. Our petals have fallen and yet our roots are tied.

This separation has made me ill. I am scared. I am sick. I realise how I have given myself over to her over the years and now I am terrifed and lost without her. I cant see a future but I need to, I need thr strength and resolve to move forward and to build a life for myself.

I have had therapy and am trying hypnotherapy. I am starting on anti depressants.

I am in so much pain. I feel small, empty and lifeless. I feel scared. The wound is deep. The triggers are dreadful.

Where do i begin? How do I start to heal myself? Any advice would be welcome. Thank you all x