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Messages - Evergreen_Elf

I frequently escape into fantasy - kind of like maladaptive daydreaming. But it can be really inconvenient. It was my main coping mechanism as a child and I thought it would have resolved itself by now. I'm working on developing more empathy for myself but it's so frustrating that I can't  just snap out of it sometimes.
Is there a type of meditation (not mindfulness) that works for you?

Any advice is appreciated.
Please Introduce Yourself Here / Re: Intro and first post
December 08, 2023, 02:26:23 AM
thank you for your kind response. Familial estrangement is something I am still coming to terms with every day. Hopefully we can both find better connections every day.
Please Introduce Yourself Here / Re: Intro and first post
November 28, 2023, 02:03:03 AM
thank you all for the welcome  :wave:
Please Introduce Yourself Here / Intro and first post
November 27, 2023, 02:19:24 PM
Hi everyone,

This will be a bit long as a lot has happened in my life to bring me here.
I spent my early years in foster care  before 2 of my siblings and myself were adopted by a couple. I was five at the time.

The 3 of us were verbally, financially, physically and medically abused. There were instances of medical neglect and they regularly "locked away" food sources. They had plenty of money but I was scared to ask for basics like hair conditioner and deodorant. I wasn't even allowed to choose what I wore and my adoptive mother kept my hair sheared short so I looked like a boy. :(

I am now 29 and estranged from my adoptive parents. My siblings regularly trauma dump on me so I am low contact with them. They recently also called the police to do a "wellness check" on me and I was terrified to do see the police at my door. So my relationship with my siblings is basically done as well.

I struggle to socialize due to trauma and I'm trying to form an identity separate from the abused child I used to be. Hopefully with healing I can make new connections.