Trauma recovery and having a child

Started by EarthTree, February 26, 2016, 11:04:21 AM

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Hi everyone,
I had a beautiful daughter two years ago. I had spent 17 years prior to that recovering from a very traumatic childhood (alcoholic, violent, sexually abusive father, and neglectful, controlling, narcissist mother), all the recovery paid off and I felt amazing for the few years before I had my daughter. I knew having a child would probably bring some stuff up, but its been one thing after another for two years. I would add that I did go (and will stay) no contact with my mother a year and half ago and that obviously brought up a great deal of stuff to clear. But my question is, have others found that having children brings up stuff even though they felt they had dealt with the mainstay of issues? Thanks for your time


Personally, I've found that loving my children in the way that I wish my parents had loved me has been enormously healing in a lot of ways. I'm not perfect, and I have plenty of days where I feel on edge and need to spend time alone, but there are moments when I wrap my babies up in a blanket and hold them close to sooth their crying, and I can feel my own inner child taking comfort from it as well.