Vitamin D

Started by JamesG, October 03, 2017, 08:25:02 AM

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One takeaway from the doc yesterday was to up my intake of vitamin D to combat the fatigue. I've done a bit of digging on this and sure enough, there are a lot of links on PTSD and depression and Vitamin D. The doc was saying that most people are deficient in it and given that PTSD makes you stay in and not exercise or see daylight, it would follow that it could be of benefit. I've been taking multivitamins but the dosage is not that high, the dosage suggested to me was 800 - 1000 units (20 - 25 mg). So, in the interests of the OOTS science unit, I am going to guinea pig myself and run a trial starting today. Self vivisection if you will. Anyone else interested to see if they get similar results?


This is so weird. Just today I decided to buy myself a bottle of Vitamin D capsules. I've always been low in Vitamin D, have been since I was very young. But for some reason only recently am I actually going to do something about it. lol I guess I forgot about it.
I also got Vitamin B Complex (B1, B2, B3, B5. B6, B12) capsules, which I'm hoping will help with my low energy.
So I suppose I'll help take part in this little trial if you don't mind. Haha, see what stuff happens, how I feel in the next week or so. I've been managing a mood diary for a few months now, so I'll use that to kind of observe any changes that might stand out. Here's hoping they'll make a noticeable difference.


ok, that's a good control, I'll avoid the B vits other than my usual multi vits. My amount is 1000 units, 25 ug (that whacky greek symbol for the u!)


Yes I take vitamin d, the other one is magnesium, symptoms of lack of it can be shaking uncontrollably which I was doing a lot but this does seem to have improved.


Oh man! This is great :)
Good luck everyone! I think it was JamesG that I mentioned I was on everything I could find (Zn, Fe, fish oil, VitD & C & multivit for everything else. Probiotic), whatever was immunity supportive. Still feeling physically good.


Good stuff Contessa, I was thinking about what you'd said when I was at the doc's so thanks for that.

Let's see

Oh and I looked on my paperwork... PTSD. He wrote it down, bless him. That blew a few gaslights out there and then.


I take vitamin D every other day (I started out on a daily dose).

My miracle worker is melatonin.  I take 2mg most nights.  Without it, I can sleep for days, and never feel rested (I suspect failure to enter REM).  DW also takes it, too.  She has lots of trouble falling asleep and waking up often throughout the night.  She had to start on 0.5mg and work her way up to 2mg, or it gave her headaches in the morning.

Magnesium deficiency can cause anxiety.  None of us need extra anxiety.


so far... well I got work done, then nose dived at 6.30. Still, my mood is better.


day 2.. ok, but patches where I have to crash. Am going for power naps. I had too much wine last night.. DOH!


ok, some more updates... I would say there IS a pick up, even that fast. But it's a mixed picture because my mood is all over the place, and I'm still on the juice, not heavy, least not for a brit. Too early to see if it's definite but I'd say it's encouraging so far.


well I would say the energy is there now, tho my head is still like a wiped hard drive. Definitely more positive too. So far, I'm a believer.


Nice JamesG!
Keep it up!


I just spent the entire evening recording music, quite like my old self... something is happening... as usual tho there are mixed signals in me and outside. Dunno. So far, like I say, I'm convinced.


Small sustained steps JamesG :)