can't tell this story w/o mentioning politics...and I'm of the pink hat variety

Started by RBShard, February 22, 2017, 01:46:32 AM

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My mother and I have always talked about current events. This goes waaay back to when I was a very young child being indoctrinated into questioning the establishment. I spent the first three years of my life on a hippy commune. We've kept it up even through her conversion to pentecostal christianity. That conversion was the source of much of the trauma I've endured. She didn't get around to that until I was well into adolescence, so my worldview was already formed. Yet we still were able to have discussion, albeit somewhat heated at times.
Last week I asked her what her take on the meeting with Israel was--being that she is a diehard christian. Her response was: lol, they should stop having press conferences, no one cares but the press. I responded that I cared and a laundry list of the ways in which I am engaged. I thought it was civil enough; it certainly wasn't a personal attack. No response. Dialog over. I'm thinking this should be a signal to me to disengage. BUT. But my birthday is coming up this week and I know I will get a gift. I will have to thank her, and I really don't want the gift or the obligation to thank.
I guess I'm struggling to figure out at what point is this relationship done. I've told her I was diagnosed and she minimized that to one issue. I lashed out with a tirade listing all of the abuses. I was pretty nasty. I then apologized and we actually had a nice back and forth about my childhood and I felt like she owned it. As I've typed that I realize how pathological that sounds. Ugh.  :stars: