I’m going through the same process for a while now

Started by Sunspirit, April 17, 2024, 09:21:48 PM

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Hey there,

I hope you're all having a wonderful day. I'm just checking in to introduce myself and see what this is like. I'm in the US so I don't have an official diagnosis but I am pretty sure I have C-PTSD.

Thanks for the site and I am going to read some threads for now.


Welcome to the forum, Sunspirit :heythere:

Reading threads is a good idea - there is an awful lot of knowledge and experience here on the forum, even on really old threads nobody has responded to in a while.

The members are supportive of each other - it doesn't matter how bizarre I think one of my symptoms is, there's always somebody who understands it and has experienced similar.

Looking forward to hearing from you when you want to write more about yourself.


Hi and a warm welcome to OOTS SunSpirit.  You don't need an 'official" diagnosis here given the APA DSM doesn't yet include CPTSD.  It's enough that you recognize it yourself and want to work on recovery alongside all of us.

Glad you found us and I hope the support, info and resources here help you.

Papa Coco

Welcome to the forum, Sunspirit!

I like the name you've chosen. Very positive.