Dating and Baggage

Started by Evergreen_Elf, March 21, 2024, 07:13:18 PM

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I am deeply afraid of how others perceive me. I think this is rooted in my perfectionism and my need to be needed by others. But the reality is I am divorced, estranged or low contact with most of my abusive family and still coping with the reality of an autoimmune disease that I was diagnosed with in childhood. My CPTSD can get triggered by  dating stress (I mistake butterflies for "bad" emotional dysregulation).

As much as I would like to just disclose what I'm comfortable telling - I feel like I'm also doing the other person a disservice when all of this could be a deal breaker. I am scared of disclosing too much too soon. And also, scared to "hide" too much. Am I being selfish or cautious? Does anyone else have similar anxieties and can you offer some tips?