Jokes/Memes about N's

Started by Kizzie, December 17, 2023, 09:16:03 PM

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Q.  How many N's does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

A1. One who stands still while the whole world revolves around them.

A2.  Zero. They just use gaslighting.

Years ago my then T said one day I might find some of the behaviour by N's to be funny and I thought she was crazy.  Turns out she was right.  It helps to see the humour in things, mediates the pain I find.


Why did the N cross the street?

To ask you this question in a stern tone, criticise you for not having the answer, and to drill in to you that they indeed crossed the street.

The joke is that no N crossed the street. You shouldn't be so trusting.


What does a N and a black hole have in common?

They both suck you in if you get too close.



N - Knock Knock
Victim - Who's there?
N - Whaaaat? I shall disinherit you immediately. Give me your phone so I can call my lawyer. How dare you not recognise my knock? And why did it take you so long to even ask who's there? Why were you not waiting to open the door when I graced you with my presence.....  :blahblahblah: