Not wanting to go to therapy

Started by joyful, November 07, 2016, 04:10:08 PM

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I'm not sure where this should go. Sorry if this is the wrong place.
So I have therapy later today and I'm really not wanting to go. I'm not sure why. This is kind of just me ranting trying to get through my thoughts know guess. I know I got triggered my last session... I think he explained more than I was ready for, but would that make me not want to go today? I feel like he talks about what he wants to talk about? Maybe I feel too validated in one aspect of the trauma but invalidated in another. In one aspect he's telling me that the person is pathological but another aspect he's telling me the person is justified in their feelings (and rude comments. He didn't say that though) maybe I expected him to take my  side. Maybe he just doesn't get that part cuz he's a guy and I feel it different cuz I'm a woman? I don't know.
I'm pretty sure this post makes no sense, but do other people ever not want to see their therapist?


I get it. Go along and explain what you have said here. print it out and show him if you cant say it. Its important for him to know. Was last session your first? sounds like you are early on in therapy? Its not all that much fun usually. Give yourself time to settle in a bit. That said if your gut instinct is that he isn't right the fit then go with your guts, but you maybe need to see him a few times to know....Good luck


I have had days where I don't want to go to therapy.  My therapist told me upfront there would be days.  She says it is the hard work of therapy and sometimes when something is hard we want to avoid it.

However, I also believe that sometimes there isn't a click.  Sometimes a therapist just isn't the right one and you need to find the right one.  Any good therapist believes this.  My therapist told me that if we don't click let her know and we can try someone else.  She said that she firmly believes that the relationship isn't always right.  I have also started image rehearsal therapy with another person.  She also told me if I can't come to trust her, it is okay and to let her know.  She didn't want to force something that wasn't there. 

I did have a meditation coach and that wasn't good at all.  My therapist helped me end that.  We certainly didn't click.  One big sign was he kept telling me that I trust him and I didn't.  I thought just because I am polite, doesn't mean I trust someone.  I could not be happier with myself for admitting it wasn't working and ending it.  Finally, a step in assertiveness even if I did it passively. 



i agree with the whole 'fit' thing.  if it's not feeling good in your gut, that doesn't mean anything bad or shameful, just that it's not a fit for you.  that can happen in any relationship.  i loved fightsong's suggestion of bringing your post with you if you have a problem saying the words.  i do believe he needs to know how you're feeling about it all.  the therapeutic relationship must be good for the client first and foremost.  his reaction will let you know what needs to be done.  if he gets defensive, makes excuses, tries to turn around on you somehow, then i don't think the fit is right.  but, you won't know unless you give it at least one more shot.  best to you with this.