Seeking Advice for Counseling

Started by MsMary, April 21, 2016, 10:34:04 PM

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I think I may have cPTSD because of emotional abuse I experienced throughout my childhood. One of my major "symptoms" is an almost consistent worry about doctors and medical situations because of how my autonomy was disregarded consistently in doctors' offices. Because of this I have a very hard time talking to counselors, especially because I fear being put on medication to "solve" my problems. Can anyone give me advice on ways I could approach a counselor and bring up cPTSD without being completely dismissed?

Dutch Uncle

Hi MsMary  :wave:

Welcome to Out of the Storm.
Quote from: MsMary on April 21, 2016, 10:34:04 PM
One of my major "symptoms" is an almost consistent worry about doctors and medical situations because of how my autonomy was disregarded consistently in doctors' offices. Because of this I have a very hard time talking to counselors, especially because I fear being put on medication to "solve" my problems. Can anyone give me advice on ways I could approach a counselor and bring up cPTSD without being completely dismissed?
I can relate to finding it difficult to turn to metal health care professionals. I was raised by a therapist and unfortunately I have come to understand over the course of the past years I have been in therapy with my 'mom' for 40 years, if not more. This is largely why I self-identify with cPTSD, I fit so many symptoms...

In our section Therapy you may find some answers to your questions, and especially the section on Choosing a Therapist might be a worthwhile read.
Do you have a trusted person who could join you when you visit or call therapists? She or he may be someone to reflect with on how the meeting/call went.

Welcome again, I hope and wish this place and community will give you comfort and be of aid on your journey through cPTSD. Our Guidelines for All Members and Guests are here to ensure this a safe environment for you and it will give you an idea of the community we create with each other.

Dutch Uncle.


Thank you for the links, I will look at those. I have someone who is willing to help me and who I feel most comfortable talking about these issues with. She has been a really good friend through all of my struggles.