New here (possible triggers)

Started by delilah516, June 01, 2015, 06:07:39 PM

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Hi everyone. My name is mysty and I was diagnosed with CPTSD and with depression and severe anxiety about 6 months ago. Most of my symptoms trace back to severe emotional and physical bulling I experienced throughout my schooling experience. I have a very hard time trusting people and I seem to attract people who seem to re-trigger those feelings of worthlessness and unfeeling I felt throughout my school experience. I cant stand people whispering around me, I cant have anyone come up from around me, and I get physically ill when I pass my old highschool. Nightmares, disassosication, panic attacks, you name ive had it and never even realized it until my brother pretty much twisted my arm to go into therapy. Im just hoping to get to a normal place and function with my feelings than without them.


Hi and a very warm welcome Delilah  :wave:  How wonderful that you have a brother who cares enough about you to twist your arm until you went to therapy! Many of us don't have that kind of relationship with anyone in our family of origin so that (having him support you), together with therapy and reaching out here -- all great resources for recovery.  I hope you settle in soon and feel comfortable enough to tell us more about yourself and your situation.

Glad you found your way here  :hug: