Roll up, roll up!

Started by Rainagain, February 15, 2018, 01:30:25 PM

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A thought.

We post on here about our dark difficult stuff. Intensely personal.

We might get a few replies from people we have come to know virtually.

Yet our personal pain is here for anyone to poke about in, it could be a field day for prurient vicarious horror show devotees for all I know.

I like it! Here is my truth, you are welcome, world, enjoy!


standing right beside you.  those people are not my problem.  let 'er rip!

Three Roses

I have nothing to hide, and no one to hide it from. The shame is not mine. And if people don't believe me, * 'em. My comments are here for my own healing, a far distant second is that I hope I might point others in the general direction of healing.