New and looking for help with triggers, nervous system, etc.

Started by UnravelingMysteries, December 17, 2017, 12:48:23 AM

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Wow! That login process nearly did me in. I had no idea it was actually called out of the storm since i'm new and the url is fog. I got sooooooo frustrated!!! Started feeling stupid that I can't even get the help I need. But here I am and I made it through. I am glad there is a place for support for CPTSD since it is so elusive and complex indeed.

I find myself realizing after working on ptsd for a few years that I have been in a sort of flight-freeze state for much of my life, not knowing what was wrong but that something was. I'm interested in ways to stay connected and grounded, learning to be a compassionate witness to my own suffering for corrective experience, and learning with and from others on this healing journey.
Thank YOU!


Hi UnravelingMysteries!  :heythere: I'm glad you found us and made it through the login process.



Hello Unraveling,

I have also had many years of treatment (9), but haven't seemed to get anywhere. I hope you find what you're looking for here. (:



Welcome aboard!

The good news is you don't have to register ever again as you have now arrived.

I hope you get a lot out of being here.

Three Roses

I welcome! Around here, Pete Walker is our source for information on staying grounded, ways to handle emotional flashbacks, triggers, etc.

We have loads of info under our resources tab - books, printable documents, articles, podcasts - here's a link to the printable documents to get you started. They're designed to be a resource for you to provide to your doctor or therapist but there's good info there for you, as well.

Feel free to jump into threads, ask questions. I'm glad you're here!


Hey welcome, I also had years of having to find ways to heal myself. Though my freeze response was so strong I didn't have a single person to talk about it until recently. I'm glad it's different for you.

Well, see you around.  :heythere:

Fen Starshimmer

Hi and welcome UnravelingMysteries,
QuoteI find myself realizing after working on ptsd for a few years that I have been in a sort of flight-freeze state for much of my life, not knowing what was wrong but that something was.

I can relate. It has been exhausting! But so good to know now, because it means we are normal, just a traumatised kind of normal, that needs some special TLC.

How to stay connected and grounded... For me, being outdoors away from people and buildings, in nature, is a big one. I love woods, and the rich, earthy smells - it's like a kind of aromatherapy, calming  :)