Hello, and thank you for this group

Started by lalexa64, August 15, 2017, 07:30:58 PM

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Hello everyone, I only just discovered that I live with cPTSD.  My story is long, and ugly, and I'll tell it someday, but for right now, I would like to know how everyone copes?

Three Roses

Welcome! Thanks for joining.

Hmm - the answer to that question would be really long! It varies according to what symptom I'm dealing with at the time, and the level of severity.

There's an excellent book that many of us here regard as a bible of sorts when it comes to CPTSD - "CPTSD: From Surviving To Thriving". He answers lots of questions and gives advice for coping. Hope you keep reading & posting.  :heythere:



How do I cope? It varies, depending on what exactly I'm having to cope with. The absolutely "fascinating" thing about CPTSD is that you might be triggered by about 193 different things, or maybe just by 47 different ones. But probably not by only 5 ones. With such a wide variety of possible triggers, I'm constantly looking for new ways to cope, trying to figure out what exactly I'm reacting to etc etc. Generally, I've done better in times when I've had a trauma-informed therapist.

When you feel ready, you could read around on the forum in different threads and see how people cope. There will be lots of different ideas.


I have a therapist and I went to a trauma program.  I have a healthy tool box to use for coping.  Most of it is using my 5 senses and having activities to distract me when I need it.  I am also learning to sit with emotions.