Thank you for the comments and encouragement, I really appreciate anyone who reaches out with support, but please don't feel like you need to respond, unless you really want to. I'm mostly writing here for my own process, to consolidate my story and to dig up and work through old, painful feelings.
Private journaling has been a tool I've used my whole life, well through most of my life, apart from the 13+ years I was taking antidepressants. Those are what I think of as my numbed out, crushed, compliant years. When I was 30 something I asked my doctor if I could try antidepressants because after being exposed to some advertising, thinly veiled as a documentary, I believed that I had an anxiety disorder, caused by defective brain chemistry. Of course I know now that wasn't true, my brain was working just fine, doing the best it could to protect me and help me survive in difficult circumstances, but it was too late, I got on the drugs and couldn't get off them, no matter how many times I tried. I didn't like what they did to me, my personality changed, my creativity, passion, values and optimism disappeared, along with the overwhelming anxiety I sometimes felt. I was still anxious though, it had just been turned down a few notches I was still programmed with a lot of dysfunction, not at all fixed, but I no longer cared, that's what changed, I just didn't care much about anything any more. Self discovery stopped, hope stopped, growth stopped and I became the complacent, compliant, robotic blob, playing my role silently, like it seemed everyone wanted me to do, especially my abusive husband who's personality was like a clone of D, but even worse, he wasn't only narcissistic, but at times his behavior was sociopathic, he once boasted about how he could easily make women cry, especially his own mother and he seemed to enjoy making me cry too, and once I figured that out, promised myself I would never let him see me cry again. It was like my childhood repeating itself all over again, but in a weird, twisted kind of way. At that point, I hadn't yet learned about narcissism and personality disorders, I was still stumbling around in the dark with a paper bag over my head.
I was an attractive child, well, I started out that way, cute, blond curls, dark blue eyes and a baby face, which has remained baby-like. But I was overfed, that was the way M showed love. Food stopped complaining, treats were bribes for good behavior, cakes and chocolate were medicine for everything from headaches to scraped knees. So I got fat and learned how to soothe myself with food. Its something I struggle with to this day, I gain weight very easily and have to work very hard to lose it, even a little bit and while being on antidepressants, it got worse. I packed on the pounds and no amount of dieting or exercise would shift them. So my self esteem plummeted lower than it already was, giving my husband even more fuel for his cruelty and justification for his many affairs.
When I was about 12, I fell off my bike and chipped my front tooth. For some reason, my parents decided not to get it fixed, I was self conscious about my broken tooth and stopped smiling. I had previously only been teased and bullied about my weight, but now I got called 'chippy'. My hair had grown darker, becoming a kind of mouse brown, I had inherited those prominent freckles, or moles, from D's side of the family, and had a lot of them on my face and I was short, very short. I stopped growing at 10, probably because I was overweight and puberty hit early.
I was so miserable during my early teens. I think a lot of kids are. I didn't fit in anywhere, I had a few friends, but I wasn't close to anyone, I was being bullied by one of my friends, that's the kind of friends I had. Since our move across the world, I had pretty much fallen off my parent's radar mostly. I stopped trying to get help from them and learned how to lie in order to get some of my needs met outside of the home. They had weird ideas about most things and believed that if children were not exposed to any information about something, then it wouldn't be real, wouldn't have to be dealt with. So when I suddenly became a woman, at age 10, I thought I had injured myself, was shocked, frightened and had no idea what was going on. I guess M was a bit surprised too, not expecting to have to deal with it so early. I remember being overwhelmed, embarrassed, in denial and in pain as I was bundled up with one of those horse saddle like things, a tight elastic belt and told to stop complaining about my stomach ache because I was making a fuss, it wasn't that bad. Maybe not for her, but I was in agony, the pain was bad, really bad, close to child birth pains and I can say that now after giving birth to my daughter, but there was no compassion, no celebration, only shame and embarrassment and being shoved in my bedroom and told not to tell anyone about it, especially not my father.
A couple of years later, when notes came home from school, requesting parental permission for sex education classes, my note was sent back with a no. My pleas for reasonableness were ignored and so once a week I suffered the shame and humiliation of sitting alone, outside my classroom as my classmates learned the basics of human reproduction and safe sexual practices. The irony of this wasn't lost on me, even at that early age. Here, I was probably one of the few kids who had actually reached that vulnerable age, needing the information, and yet I was the only one denied what I needed. And it wasn't that I was given any alternative information at home. There was nothing, I was an object, a thing, a non-human, non-sexual, non-emotional nothing, to be controlled and manipulated into whatever they wanted. I didn't exist. But I did... and eventually my anger and rebellious spirit exploded enough, as it often does in adolescence, when there isn't enough respect, consideration and sensible encouragement towards individuation.
I starved myself, exercised like a maniac and dyed my hair blond. Started wearing skirts that were too short and shoes that were too high. I started getting the attention and affection that I so desperately needed, for the first time in my life I had a little bit of power to get something which looked like what I needed. But the price I paid was awful, I wasn't getting loved, I was being used, but I didn't know any different. Sure, I met some nice guys, they bought me flowers and wanted to take me to expensive restaurants, wanted to hold my hand and introduce me to their parents, but guys like that made be feel strange, uncomfortable and physically sick. Being disrespected, used and abused was what felt right, striving to be good enough to get noticed, was what I was used to. I knew I was worthless, broken, damaged, and that my new, pretty exterior was just a facade, so I couldn't let anyone get too close, even though that's what I desperately needed, to be seen, to be known and understood. But if anyone saw the real me, they would run away, screaming in horror and disgust. That's what I was inside, a shameful, horrible, disgusting worthless nothing with a pretty exterior which I now had to keep patching up and improving so that my insides wouldn't show through. For years after that, my only value laid in my appearance and most of my energy went into maintaining my normal weight, my hair, skin and make-up. It was all never good enough, because I compared myself with the cultural icons in magazines and on TV, so I was never able to relax and feel good about myself, not even my appearance. I was one big flaw, inside and out. When I was 17, my parents decided to get my chipped tooth fixed, they found a dentist who would do it cheaply, D always liked getting a bargain. I got a cap, it didn't quite match the color of my other teeth, was too white and it wasn't a great fit, so there was a gap between it and my gum, which over the years turned black.... so I still couldn't smile without being self conscious about it. But it was better than it was, at least I had all my teeth again.
After the fiasco with not being allowed to take sex-ed classed, and the reality that being denied information doesn't stop normal human development, I realized that I needed to get some information from somewhere. I was curious, it was normal, even though my curiosity added to my shame, along with being denied the information I needed I was told I was bad for even wanting it or needing it. But there it was, curiosity grows until its satisfied, so I bought a book about sex from my local book store and hid it under my bed. It was an educational book, not porn, so I thought it wouldn't be too much of a problem if found, but I underestimated the dysfunction of my parents. It was found, because one day it was just gone. I remember suddenly feeling ashamed, again, ashamed that I had bought it, ashamed that I was curious about sex, ashamed that they had found it, ashamed for having feelings, ashamed for even existing. Everything bad which happened was a reflection of my own intrinsic badness. Nothing was ever mentioned about that book, and I didn't say anything. But years later, many years later that book appeared on their book shelves along with all the other books they had collected over the years. It's probably still there right now.
Private journaling has been a tool I've used my whole life, well through most of my life, apart from the 13+ years I was taking antidepressants. Those are what I think of as my numbed out, crushed, compliant years. When I was 30 something I asked my doctor if I could try antidepressants because after being exposed to some advertising, thinly veiled as a documentary, I believed that I had an anxiety disorder, caused by defective brain chemistry. Of course I know now that wasn't true, my brain was working just fine, doing the best it could to protect me and help me survive in difficult circumstances, but it was too late, I got on the drugs and couldn't get off them, no matter how many times I tried. I didn't like what they did to me, my personality changed, my creativity, passion, values and optimism disappeared, along with the overwhelming anxiety I sometimes felt. I was still anxious though, it had just been turned down a few notches I was still programmed with a lot of dysfunction, not at all fixed, but I no longer cared, that's what changed, I just didn't care much about anything any more. Self discovery stopped, hope stopped, growth stopped and I became the complacent, compliant, robotic blob, playing my role silently, like it seemed everyone wanted me to do, especially my abusive husband who's personality was like a clone of D, but even worse, he wasn't only narcissistic, but at times his behavior was sociopathic, he once boasted about how he could easily make women cry, especially his own mother and he seemed to enjoy making me cry too, and once I figured that out, promised myself I would never let him see me cry again. It was like my childhood repeating itself all over again, but in a weird, twisted kind of way. At that point, I hadn't yet learned about narcissism and personality disorders, I was still stumbling around in the dark with a paper bag over my head.
I was an attractive child, well, I started out that way, cute, blond curls, dark blue eyes and a baby face, which has remained baby-like. But I was overfed, that was the way M showed love. Food stopped complaining, treats were bribes for good behavior, cakes and chocolate were medicine for everything from headaches to scraped knees. So I got fat and learned how to soothe myself with food. Its something I struggle with to this day, I gain weight very easily and have to work very hard to lose it, even a little bit and while being on antidepressants, it got worse. I packed on the pounds and no amount of dieting or exercise would shift them. So my self esteem plummeted lower than it already was, giving my husband even more fuel for his cruelty and justification for his many affairs.
When I was about 12, I fell off my bike and chipped my front tooth. For some reason, my parents decided not to get it fixed, I was self conscious about my broken tooth and stopped smiling. I had previously only been teased and bullied about my weight, but now I got called 'chippy'. My hair had grown darker, becoming a kind of mouse brown, I had inherited those prominent freckles, or moles, from D's side of the family, and had a lot of them on my face and I was short, very short. I stopped growing at 10, probably because I was overweight and puberty hit early.
I was so miserable during my early teens. I think a lot of kids are. I didn't fit in anywhere, I had a few friends, but I wasn't close to anyone, I was being bullied by one of my friends, that's the kind of friends I had. Since our move across the world, I had pretty much fallen off my parent's radar mostly. I stopped trying to get help from them and learned how to lie in order to get some of my needs met outside of the home. They had weird ideas about most things and believed that if children were not exposed to any information about something, then it wouldn't be real, wouldn't have to be dealt with. So when I suddenly became a woman, at age 10, I thought I had injured myself, was shocked, frightened and had no idea what was going on. I guess M was a bit surprised too, not expecting to have to deal with it so early. I remember being overwhelmed, embarrassed, in denial and in pain as I was bundled up with one of those horse saddle like things, a tight elastic belt and told to stop complaining about my stomach ache because I was making a fuss, it wasn't that bad. Maybe not for her, but I was in agony, the pain was bad, really bad, close to child birth pains and I can say that now after giving birth to my daughter, but there was no compassion, no celebration, only shame and embarrassment and being shoved in my bedroom and told not to tell anyone about it, especially not my father.
A couple of years later, when notes came home from school, requesting parental permission for sex education classes, my note was sent back with a no. My pleas for reasonableness were ignored and so once a week I suffered the shame and humiliation of sitting alone, outside my classroom as my classmates learned the basics of human reproduction and safe sexual practices. The irony of this wasn't lost on me, even at that early age. Here, I was probably one of the few kids who had actually reached that vulnerable age, needing the information, and yet I was the only one denied what I needed. And it wasn't that I was given any alternative information at home. There was nothing, I was an object, a thing, a non-human, non-sexual, non-emotional nothing, to be controlled and manipulated into whatever they wanted. I didn't exist. But I did... and eventually my anger and rebellious spirit exploded enough, as it often does in adolescence, when there isn't enough respect, consideration and sensible encouragement towards individuation.
I starved myself, exercised like a maniac and dyed my hair blond. Started wearing skirts that were too short and shoes that were too high. I started getting the attention and affection that I so desperately needed, for the first time in my life I had a little bit of power to get something which looked like what I needed. But the price I paid was awful, I wasn't getting loved, I was being used, but I didn't know any different. Sure, I met some nice guys, they bought me flowers and wanted to take me to expensive restaurants, wanted to hold my hand and introduce me to their parents, but guys like that made be feel strange, uncomfortable and physically sick. Being disrespected, used and abused was what felt right, striving to be good enough to get noticed, was what I was used to. I knew I was worthless, broken, damaged, and that my new, pretty exterior was just a facade, so I couldn't let anyone get too close, even though that's what I desperately needed, to be seen, to be known and understood. But if anyone saw the real me, they would run away, screaming in horror and disgust. That's what I was inside, a shameful, horrible, disgusting worthless nothing with a pretty exterior which I now had to keep patching up and improving so that my insides wouldn't show through. For years after that, my only value laid in my appearance and most of my energy went into maintaining my normal weight, my hair, skin and make-up. It was all never good enough, because I compared myself with the cultural icons in magazines and on TV, so I was never able to relax and feel good about myself, not even my appearance. I was one big flaw, inside and out. When I was 17, my parents decided to get my chipped tooth fixed, they found a dentist who would do it cheaply, D always liked getting a bargain. I got a cap, it didn't quite match the color of my other teeth, was too white and it wasn't a great fit, so there was a gap between it and my gum, which over the years turned black.... so I still couldn't smile without being self conscious about it. But it was better than it was, at least I had all my teeth again.
After the fiasco with not being allowed to take sex-ed classed, and the reality that being denied information doesn't stop normal human development, I realized that I needed to get some information from somewhere. I was curious, it was normal, even though my curiosity added to my shame, along with being denied the information I needed I was told I was bad for even wanting it or needing it. But there it was, curiosity grows until its satisfied, so I bought a book about sex from my local book store and hid it under my bed. It was an educational book, not porn, so I thought it wouldn't be too much of a problem if found, but I underestimated the dysfunction of my parents. It was found, because one day it was just gone. I remember suddenly feeling ashamed, again, ashamed that I had bought it, ashamed that I was curious about sex, ashamed that they had found it, ashamed for having feelings, ashamed for even existing. Everything bad which happened was a reflection of my own intrinsic badness. Nothing was ever mentioned about that book, and I didn't say anything. But years later, many years later that book appeared on their book shelves along with all the other books they had collected over the years. It's probably still there right now.