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Messages - K9 2

It sounds as if we grew up in the same trailer! I hate that you experienced such detrimental pain and anguish. As a child I only wanted to be loved and wanted. It appears as though you did as well.
What is different now is you are in control, not them. I had a difficult time learning and adopting that concept but once I did, it made all the difference. My mother refuses to apologize without placing blame, meaning it has a catch. To me, this equates a lack of apology. I have instilled in my children that when someone is truly sorry they change the harmful act, if not, it is meaningless words.
I confronted my mom regarding the countless things I endured and she admitted that she did in fact commit all of those heinous acts (and lack of acts) with no sense of remorse. It was then that I saw her in a completely different light and it made the world of difference! I literally stepped back and saw her as the toxic, sick person that she is and always has been. No longer did I feel like all that happened to me was my fault, I deserved it, or because I was not good enough. The light came on and I accepted it wasn't me like she always said it was.
Today, I have very little to do with my mother. I have set serious and strict boundaries that I will not lower regardless of the circumstances. For the longest time of my life I felt I didn't have a mother and it was crushing. I now am ok with not having a mother because she isn't the type mother I would want anyway. I look at it as her loss, not mine.
Toast, I hope you grasp that you are not alone in your story. Not only are our stories very similar, there are lots of others as well, unfortunately.  I feel alone a lot, too, but being alone is better than being mistreated. I encourage you to stand up and do what is best for you and your sanity. I cannot express the difference it made for me!
You should look up what a "Toxic Mother" is and see how quickly you find your mom.
K9 2
Quote from: Andyman73 on January 03, 2018, 09:13:16 PM
K9 2, I'm glad you found this place. Hope hugs are okay for you.  :hug:

I love hugs!!!!! Thank you!
I firmly believe core trauma can develop in early childhood life. I was born to a Heroin addict father and a toxic, neglectful, and unstable mother. Neither parent wanted me and they debated having me aborted (as I was told). When I was one month old I was hospitalized for an unknown reason and diagnosed with "Independent Baby Syndrome". This syndrome is indicative of an infant the becomes rigid and shakes when cuddled. This occurs because parental embracement and nurturing did not occur and when someone embraces the baby they reject it in this form due to the foreign feeling.
At the ripe age of two I was formally abandoned by both parents with reoccurring returns and re-abandonments. Aside from the abandonment, my parents were very physically, emotionally, mentally, and sexually abusive to one another and to me. I lived in a constant state of fear and isolation, never knowing where I would be living or with whom. In addition to the aforementioned scenarios, our home was full of drugs, weapons, frequent return guests (drugs), filth, caged snakes, lack of heat or air, and lack of food. Not to mention I was not allowed to express any emotions, especially crying, or things would become very violent and things would be destroyed in front of me.  All of this was my life before age five, when it worsened.
My core trauma occurred before age five and firmly lives within me. Unfortunately this isn't the entire core, there is a lot I left out. I am glad you all are here, but hate that you have experienced trauma.
Please Introduce Yourself Here / Re: Brand New Member
December 31, 2017, 02:00:17 AM
Thank you very much!!
General Discussion / Re: Meaningless
December 30, 2017, 02:51:47 AM
Is it more of a feeling of not connecting or feeling isolated from others?
Please Introduce Yourself Here / Brand New Member
December 30, 2017, 02:42:45 AM
Hello fellow members-
I am a brand new member of this (or any) support group. I am a diagnosed Complex PTSD sufferer seeking a meaningful support group willing to listen, share, and grow with me. It is my hope I can be a blessing to others and together we can make each day better than the last.
Pleased to be here,
A (K9 2)
Please Introduce Yourself Here / Re: Hi another newbie
December 30, 2017, 02:18:24 AM
Hi, Mussymel! Much like you, I have considered joining this group for quite some time as well. Tonight I did it! Cheers to the two of us for joining in an effort to seek and provide support.
I enjoyed reading your thoughts on this process being a marathon and not a sprint, I often remind myself of that very statement though I feel as if time is just passing swiftly by me.
I look forward to engaging with you.