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Topics - Siren

Hi everyone,

Going through divorce, and I am experiencing so much pain. For the first time in my life, I am having panic attacks and intrusive dreams if I sleep at all, I feel like I'm literally jumping out of my skin sometimes. I've found a therapist, will work on trauma-focused therapy for symptoms associated with C-PTSD.

I'm 43 years old, and my husband of 10 years left on 2/11/17, only two months after I had a major craniotomy for an extremely rare brain disease after four strokes. Luckily, I survived and am doing fairly well. After we came home, I started having serious anxiety problems and was a mess. My old abandonment wounds were seriously triggered and he took full advantage of this again. There was constant drama throughout our marriage, and even the week after my surgery. He repeatedly gives me silent treatments, and on many occasions, he has left, triggering my abandonment wounds, sometimes leaving for weeks at a time. Literally, he's probably left home at least 15 times over the last 10 years. Once, he left for three months. I found out he lied about his past, including having a CPA, graduating from college, and the dates of his marriages. I was livid and I contacted his ex-wife no. 2 who told me she wanted to reach out to me before but didn't want to interfere. She said his first wife and he divorced when she found out he was never in medical school. He pretended to go to Emory, but he had never even graduated from college. Wife no. 1 was trying to work things out with him, but he left when he thought she was cheating. Every wife and girlfriend, according to him, has cheated on him, except for me. Wife no. 2 also claimed she caught him kissing another guy, which I don't even know. She's really still upset with how things ended. He begged her for a reconciliation, but she said she saw no point. He was married for less than a year to her. She said he blocked both of them forever and felt like he just didn't want them to ever be able to contact him. His version of the story was that they pined for him and they kept coming around and posting stuff to his social media accounts. I don't believe that at all.

In any case, the lies kept coming up in our marriage, and I truly never forgave him. Had I found this out before we were married, I wouldn't have married him, but he was a father to my children, and he was good to them. As my daughter grew older, he ignored her. In any case, he would discard, come back, devalue, repeat. He has said that he wants a divorce because I was manipulative and controlling, psycho, you know, the typical projection/gaslighting crap and he immediately stopped contributing to household bills and changed his address. I don't know where he is. He's in hiding and has blocked me from everything, except I'm "allowed to email him," which I did a few times, but he ignored me for a few weeks, until he responded to an email about me having to talk to his attorney because he was "scared" of me. I get it, smear campaign. I've had no contact with him since. At first, I begged him to come home, in an effort to give him time and space. I sent him one final email apologizing for my bad behavior and telling him to freely take all the space he wants/needs, and I would not ask him for anything. Pathetic, but I didn't realize what was happening. I had no choice but to file for divorce and serve him at work because he is refusing to contribute to about $14K of monthly bills per month, and I did not know his address. When I looked up "husband abandoned me and disappeared" and "husband lies about a lot of stuff," the first search results were narcissistic abuse. I have had some time to step back and see the patterns of narcissistic abuse throughout, even with the lovebombing.

I have horrible flashbacks stemming from my childhood. My dad was a narcissist and abused all of us so the patterns were established. Now, the NPD abuse has triggered so much of what was buried deep down inside.

Any support  would be appreciated! I'm so scared about having to go back out to the West Coast for a second surgery in three months, and I need an adult with me, but I firmly believe God will take care of me and the right people will show up just in time. Anyway, I just need to stay strong and follow through with this divorce. He's still playing games and never really hired an attorney for a divorce, just to mess with me. I know this is just more manipulation and using this whole separation to screw with me, but I've had enough, and I am 100% sure that this marriage has made me very sick in so many ways, and it had a lot to do with this rare disease that affects only 1:2 million, and it has literally almost cost me my life. I need out. I need to stay strong, and I need to get better. I am a divorce lawyer so I am familiar with the legal process, and I know what to expect with the defamation and smear campaigns coming.