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Topics - Bodhi_§

 Hello everyone :)

It's so nice to have found this community of OOTS. I felt so alone until now. I am a survivor of an narcist father who was an alcoholic and a raging violent maniac when he was drunk and under the influence of medication and steroids. He was a brilliant doctor and was very violent to his first family and the second one also. He recently died of glioblastoma type 4, a very agressive braincancer and now I am finally starting to grieve about my childhood, teenage and young adolesence. My mother is bipolar and has been a toxicomaniac as long as I can remember. She has had numerous suicide attempts  and of course they were all subliminal linked to me obviously. She also is a respected radiologist and bloodvesselsurgeon. She on the other hand was very passive agressive and obscenely obsessed with me, as I was more her lifepartner than her son.

I was raised in drama daily. Since february I started Trauma therapy and I have been diagnosed with severe CPTSD. My therapist says that I have been abused verbally, emotionally, physically and that I am blocking out the sexual abuse, because it's just too much.

It's a lot to take in, even for me writing this down and sharing this with the community. I've been bullied, until I started to fight back of course, but the thing that kills me the most is the meticulously horrendous emotional neglect and abuse that I've experienced from the womb untill now.

I am currently living in a grouphome that upholds sobriety and working hard at sorting CPTSD out.

I am sorry if I have triggered anyone with my introduction. This is just the tip of my CPTSD Iceberg.

Much love to you all and thank you for the OOTS website and community.  :)