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Messages - Newbeginning

General Discussion / Re: how to recover
July 19, 2017, 08:22:42 PM
hi purple giraffe-
I'm new here too!  glad you posted!  I'll be following where this post goes to get the info you asked about too!  but mostly glad to see/hear there this is not a unique thing.  I've only been out of work for 9 mo. at this point, but was self employed before that and only budgeted for 2 months down.  In the last 7 mo my life has exploded!  Dealing with so many different things, physical and mental health related.  I've talked to my therapist and a social worker an both of them- their only advice has been "just go get a job"  !!!! and these are professionals!  if that's all I needed to do, don't you think I would have by now?!  I can barely get through "normal" daily activities like laundry or dishes. . . how do they not understand?
It doesn't help that half of my cptsd comes from work related situations.
I liked the one copied post from blueberry that says do one day, or one hour.  and then maybe two.  and work your way back in.  I feel like that's what I need to do, to figure out what my limitations are right now, but how do you find something that will pay, but accept that is your process?  how do you find one day work?
Hang in there and know I'm hanging next to you too.  I won't let go if you don't!
thanks all!  will keep plugging away at it. . .  Thanks for the book rec too!
Hi- I am new here but amazed by what I've read so far.  I am recently diagnosed w/ptsd, but was never told anything about it being "c"ptsd, although that is what it is.  I have sooo many questions. . . all in good time.  Right now I am wondering about anyone else that has dealt with physical illness that has been caused by their cptsd.  More specifically autoimmune issues.  A short explanation to clarify- since the beginning of this year I've been dealing with various concerns, and where it has come to at this point is: the Dr's (and there have been many of them) all agree "something is going on with me."  Blood tests prove that "something is going on with me." But no one can figure out a what or a why, beyond it being "autoimmune."  No, I'm not asking anyone here to "dr" me, and, yes, I know there are still plenty of purely physical "weird" things that could be what's going on.  But I'm trying to look at it all from a different perspective.  Is there a possibility that these physical symptoms have been triggered by something related to the cptsd?  I know mind and body are connected, so. . .?  Just thought I'd put it out there.  Thanks!