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Messages - Heresthegist

Parenting / Troubles with Teenagers(trigger warning)
January 04, 2024, 11:55:12 PM
I have two older teens(still minors). Both have recently been causing a lot of chaos. One is hospitalized currently due to attempts to harm themselves and while there has habitually been making reports of SA about both parents(we are divorced but civil), their ex, and several friends. I want to make it very clear my child also admitted four of these times that they either 'made a mistake' or flat out lied. Ultimately I can't fully blame them as it's clear they are presenting a severe and possibly lifelong mental illness, but having to give statements to child services and law enforcement when it's your own kid doing the accusation- and then having to expose their lying about a very serious matter by proving your own innocence(which feels like a betrayal to your baby)...I'm reaching my limit of what I can handle emotionally. It feels like my child is severing our bond entirely while they smile and ask me to buy them more hair gel each time we talk.

My other teen has recently begun talking very disparagingly about me to their friends then denies they did, until even their friends are pointing out that I have a point(!) and that yes, they are talking trash. I get that all this must be extremely disruptive and difficult to navigate, I also get that I've always been the 'safe parent' for these kind of melt downs with both kids. I get why my other child is acting this way, but it hurts a lot. A lot, a lot.

All of this has come on the heels, and I believe is directly linked to, the sudden and traumatic loss of their step parent(my spouse). I am already a survivor of severe childhood abuse and neglect by my caregivers. I do not have the stamina I would assume a 'normal' parent would have to begin with. It was why I never planned on having kids of my own, until my sister got herself locked up and I took in two babies in a row. Now I'm wondering with the mess that has unfolded, if I made the right decision in taking them in at all.
Please Introduce Yourself Here / Hiya
January 04, 2024, 11:30:03 PM
Came across this site and hoping I can get some support. Really been through it and in need of some folks who get it.