Out of the Storm

Treatment & Self-Help => Self-Help & Recovery => General Discussion => Topic started by: Rainagain on May 04, 2018, 04:19:57 PM

Title: Anger may be part of recovery
Post by: Rainagain on May 04, 2018, 04:19:57 PM
Feeling a little stronger lately, also feeling more annoyed and irritable with stuff that gets in my way.

I think this might be a healthy response. This is what real people do, they get irritated with nonsense.

I'm not fight triggered, just wearily fed up with set backs and with people who I can't be bothered to deal with.

The feeling is like an itchy shirt, its not pain in my center, just surface irritation I won't put up with.

I could be on the mend.
Title: Re: Anger may be part of recovery
Post by: radical on May 04, 2018, 08:44:08 PM
That sounds right to me, and I'm happy for you.
Title: Re: Anger may be part of recovery
Post by: woodsgnome on May 04, 2018, 09:26:11 PM
Anger takes many forms and needn't rise to the level of overtly harming anyone--especially self. And it would be pointless to consider anger as only a  cop-out or avoidance of all the other emotions at play. Coming to terms with the senseless path we were forced on before might require some level of anger in order to feel better.

As you say, rainagain, it needn't rise to the level of 'fight trigger' but is an honest response to the often senseless situations resulting from cptsd.

So good for you --   :thumbup:  :applause:
Title: Re: Anger may be part of recovery
Post by: Rainagain on May 05, 2018, 05:45:07 PM
Thank you for your replies.

It feels like a healthy response rather than simple unfocussed rage, I used to get that a lot.

I'm annoyed by annoying things, which is a normal healthy response, and I'm not worried about feeling it or showing it.

To have an appropriate, sufficient response without excess is a nice change.

Its what people do.

Title: Re: Anger may be part of recovery
Post by: mikeydjay on July 28, 2018, 02:16:41 PM
Only recently joined the forum, but I've been getting this way more recently, especially since I've stopped all medication, so good to see that this is considered "normal". Feels so much better to know it.