Out of the Storm

Symptoms => Six Major Symptoms => AV - Avoidance => Topic started by: caroline on January 05, 2018, 10:21:03 PM

Title: I had a new experience.
Post by: caroline on January 05, 2018, 10:21:03 PM
My T was trying to work out where a feeling of shame was coming from and i had this new thing (although i have had it before but never in a therapy setting).  As my anxiety got higher it was like the room was changing in size and shape.  i said out loud the the walls were closing in, but it felt more like the whole shape of the room was changing.

The only other time i know/remember this happening was when i was at the vet getting our lovely cat pts. 

Any thoughts much appreciated  :)
Title: Re: I had a new experience.
Post by: Three Roses on January 06, 2018, 12:20:49 AM
This kind of sounds like what happens to me during a "panic attack" - kind of like seeing things in a fun house mirror....
Title: Re: I had a new experience.
Post by: woodsgnome on January 06, 2018, 02:43:48 AM
I've also experienced those uncomfortable moments. Depending on where they occur, they're scary so I tend to ignore them other than try to quickly gain some composure to right the sinking ship feeling. If I remember, I have a short mantra but I also learned from my T to carry a small scent stick (lavender or similar scent)--it looks innocuous (like a lip moisturizer) so it doesn't draw undue attention, but a whiff can be enough to temporarily get the consciousness back.

Was there something specific during therapy around that time that might have triggered this? I think it's natural to do this, and not a sign that something's wrong with you. The tendency is to think there's something about me instead of a momentary, albeit strange, discomfort. Step one seems to be to stay safe with oneself and not panic; the latter tends to make it even worse, in my experience.
Title: Re: I had a new experience.
Post by: DecimalRocket on January 14, 2018, 04:17:58 AM
Hmm, interesting.

I remember feeling like the room was breathing somehow, zooming in and out at random. Such a strange feeling. I guess anxiety comes in all shapes and sizes.
Title: Re: I had a new experience.
Post by: Dee on January 14, 2018, 03:43:09 PM

I have reactions in therapy, not quite the same, but certainly scary.  I gave my therapist a lavender roll on to keep for me in the office.  Then when I start to panic, or feel like I am sinking, she pulls it out for me.  I talked to her about it and we came up with plans on how to deal with it.

The other day I got so hot I felt like I was on fire.  She said she could see it, I have no doubt I was bright red.