Out of the Storm

Treatment & Self-Help => Self-Help & Recovery => Frustrated? Set Backs? => Topic started by: samantha19 on February 17, 2017, 08:04:20 PM

Title: Sick of "lol, triggered" jokes etc.
Post by: samantha19 on February 17, 2017, 08:04:20 PM
May be triggering, ironically.
I'm sick of seeing or hearing people mock the idea of being triggered or trigger warnings.
I'm sick of people who think steps to make media more helpful or inclusive is ridiculous.
I'm sick of people who laugh at the idea of safe spaces or trigger warnings, or worse get angry about it, when they have no idea what it feels like to live with an incurable, agonizing mental illness.

I wish I could put my opinion out there on Facebook but I'm too scared. I used to be brave with my opinions, but one time about 2 years ago someone from my work argued with me on an opinion status, and they were totally ridiculous and didn't make sense. but it was so horrible for me I haven't posted one opinionated thing since :):) thanks *.
I wish I could speak up when someone makes a "lol, triggered" joke in my vicinity and it makes me want to cry because I feel an emotional reaction which confirms everything they are mocking, that I am an oversensitive, pathetic person for being triggered. Not only that but being triggered in some sense by their "lol, triggered" joke. It makes you feel like an absolute joke, the punch line that so many people are laughing at, for being mentally traumatized and that kind of makes you not want to exist anymore. At least in my experience.
I just feel so horrible about the world. People are cruel and ignorant and it's horrible.
It does trigger me when people are horrible and nasty about anything that betters vulnerable peoples lives, whether that's to combat racism, or make lives easier for the disabled or whatever else. And I hate to say that because that makes me the punch line again. Triggered by a triggered joke, or a political thing that I don't like (but how could I not despair? I feel things so deeply. I hate to see victims of ignorant *. It brings back feelings from when I was a victim too). I am exactly the type of girl they are joking of when they say those things only PTSD is real and incurable and I don't want to be like this so it's like please * stop. (It's just that all the bad things in the world make me think that the world is a bad, cruel place like my mind makes me believe. It makes me not trust people. It triggers me, lol, triggered. How * hilarious.)
It just makes me feel so horribly isolated and misunderstood. It makes me feel like I am all the bad things that are implied by "lol, triggered". And it sucks. And I'm finding it really hard not to despair with the world today.
Title: Re: Sick of "lol, triggered" jokes etc.
Post by: Fen Starshimmer on February 17, 2017, 10:59:37 PM
Hi Samantha19,

I know what you mean about Facebook. Some people hide behind their computers and reveal another side to themselves when it comes to certain topics like politics and mental health. It is not always pleasant. I have reduced my Facebook time drastically recently, in preference for OOTS which is a safe place for self-expression. Going back to Facebook through, I am wondering whether you have tried joining a closed specialist group or private group with good moderators, or a page like, for example, Healing From Complex Trauma and PTSD/CPTSD, where there are lots of likeminded people? It's just an idea.

I share your frustration with people mocking the seriousness of triggers and being triggered. If they had experienced it, they wouldn't ever think of saying those hurtful things.
Now, I avoid being around such people. And I don't have a television. This means I can create my own happier world and feel calmer, more grounded. Over the years I have learnt to discriminate for my own health and wellbeing.

QuoteI wish I could speak up when someone makes a "lol, triggered" joke in my vicinity and it makes me want to cry because I feel an emotional reaction which confirms everything they are mocking, that I am an oversensitive, pathetic person for being triggered. Not only that but being triggered in some sense by their "lol, triggered" joke. It makes you feel like an absolute joke, the punch line that so many people are laughing at, for being mentally traumatized and that kind of makes you not want to exist anymore.

Samantha, I am really sorry this is happening in your vicinity. You are not oversensitive or pathetic - just having a perfectly normal reaction to a trigger. Do you have to be near these people? If there is a way of keeping away from them, I think that would do you good. You don't need them. They know nothing about trauma. They don't deserve your company.

Title: Re: Sick of "lol, triggered" jokes etc.
Post by: RBShard on February 22, 2017, 01:18:01 AM
"I just feel so horrible about the world. People are cruel and ignorant and it's horrible.
It does trigger me when people are horrible and nasty about anything that betters vulnerable peoples lives, whether that's to combat racism, or make lives easier for the disabled or whatever else."

OMG, I'm right there with you. I am feeling so horrible lately, as simply waking up and facing the world is triggering every day, every hour, every minute. The people who are being so flip about all of this are making me sooo angry. I have been checking my all or nothing thinking almost constantly, because I feel like if you are not seeing this you must be a callous monster. Intellectually I know this is not (100%) true, but I feel like so much is at stake right now.
We probably just have to get used to the overuse and lack of understanding behind the very word. It is really inconvenient for me since I've only begun my recovery and must use the word--legitimately--all of the time.
Facebook is a minefield, but there are kindred spirits there. I have to deactivate my account from time to time. I was deactivated for 17 days until yesterday. So far it's okay, but I'm not falling down the hole--yet. I agree with Fen, this is the place to come for a safer experience.
Title: Re: Sick of "lol, triggered" jokes etc.
Post by: joyful on February 24, 2017, 06:19:03 PM
I agree with you all, I hate when people mock triggers and minimize what being "triggered" is.
It's not funny at all.