Out of the Storm

Welcome to OOTS - New Members Please Start Here => New Members => Please Introduce Yourself Here => Topic started by: Ellis on November 26, 2018, 12:02:30 AM

Title: My Introduction
Post by: Ellis on November 26, 2018, 12:02:30 AM
Hey there, new to the forum but not new to CPTSD.

I'm here because I'm lonely and I'm tired of feeling like an alien among other people. I want to find people who actually care.

My road to recovery is actually going quite well thanks to therapy, medication, and estrangement. I'm just trying to tie up some loose ends now and find comfort in myself as a human being with a traumatic past.
I think it's just been especially hard as of late with everyone talking about Thanksgiving and when I think of being back with my family it makes my skin crawl.

Anyway I won't rant too much. Hope to stick around.
Title: Re: My Introduction
Post by: Deep Blue on November 26, 2018, 12:25:45 AM
Hello Ellis,
Welcome  :wave:  the people in this forum are nothing if not caring. 

Before this forum, I often felt profoundly alone.  Now I feel like I have an extended family of people who understand.  Glad to have ya
Title: Re: My Introduction
Post by: Ellis on November 26, 2018, 01:59:20 AM
Quote from: Deep Blue on November 26, 2018, 12:25:45 AM
Hello Ellis,
Welcome  :wave:  the people in this forum are nothing if not caring. 

Before this forum, I often felt profoundly alone.  Now I feel like I have an extended family of people who understand.  Glad to have ya

Hello Deep Blue,

Thank you kindly for your friendly reply. I hope I'll also feel the same as you do now.

Title: Re: My Introduction
Post by: SJH on December 02, 2018, 12:53:28 AM
Hi Ellis

I am with you when you say the thought of your family makes your skin crawl! Thought that was just me..

Happy to hear you are on the road to recovery, I am on start of that journey, so any advice would be welcome!

Good to see you here..
Title: Re: My Introduction
Post by: Kizzie on December 02, 2018, 03:42:48 PM
Sorry I am late in welcoming you Ellis, I had some health issues going on and was taking a step back from the forum.  I'm glad to hear you feel like you're making good progress in recovery and hope that being here will help with that. 

The holidays can be especially difficult for us, even when we've cut ties with those who caused our trauma.  It feels like the whole world is happy and celebrating and has a tribe except us. I don't feel quite so alone when I come here, and I don't think of myself as quite so different.  I hope you find the same thing  :yes: