Out of the Storm

Treatment & Self-Help => Self-Help & Recovery => General Discussion => Topic started by: Amnesia71 on January 05, 2021, 01:23:16 AM

Post by: Amnesia71 on January 05, 2021, 01:23:16 AM
Hello out there,

I'm new. I posted something in this section December 20th and it has disappeared. I can find it via my profile, but how do I find it otherwise to see if there were responses?

Ok CRYSTALS: I love this new skill - the power of it is enough to break ALL the lies.

I made jokes about "REIKI" for years. (I'm a science girl and prefer deep tissue lol). But whatever magic current they have is accessible and has probably been called a bazillion other things through history. So let's go! I'm going in - it's like swimming in space <3

ATTACHMENT - under total control.
FEAR - ten more layers off in 2 days.
PERFORMANCE MODE - most of the time I'm just me!

Oh and I found a Reiki Master class online for $20. I have a learning/school block but I bet I can get ChildMind through it <3
Post by: Blueberry on January 05, 2021, 06:36:13 PM
Quote from: Amnesia71 on January 05, 2021, 01:23:16 AM
I'm new. I posted something in this section December 20th and it has disappeared. I can find it via my profile, but how do I find it otherwise to see if there were responses?
Click on Updated Topics. These are updated topics that you have posted in, your own threads are obviously included there. Hope this helps.
Post by: marta1234 on January 07, 2021, 11:49:42 AM
Hi Amnesia, I didn't know what Reiki was until I googled it, but I've heard about it. I also have wanted to get some crystals for my own healing, but never have come around it because I have very little knowledge of that field and there just seem so many choices.

I don't know if this helps, but I did want to share.  :)
Post by: Amnesia71 on January 16, 2021, 11:11:30 PM
Hey Marta,

Does it feel overwhelming? That's what happens to me with everything. I started hanging around in 'women's circles' and ended up feeling rocks by accident. But I've been open to whatever so I turned toward the universe and thanked it. But I'm the last person you'd get to endure any structured learning so I'm way overwhelmed about taking the REIKI class I downloaded weeks ago. There's also FEAR because I'm not allowed to reach for answers, apparently. According to ChildMind's reality from Planet Ernest.

CM is a young consciousness but our relationship is good. I got through a short class on Carl Jung shadow work. Jung believed our shadow's problems come down to ABANDONMENT and OVERWHELM. From being born helpless as a baby. Since I was cult-tortured young, I blocked everything behind an overwhelm that could never be accessed due to abandonment/attachment issues.

So I had to clear out a lot of abandonment by going within and the crystals helped. I'm clearing OVERWHELM now and I'm so under-developed on 'object permanence' it's frustrating. So I really did need the 'help' from the rocks.

Anyway, I'm new to this site and haven't read anybody's posts.  I'm in here to see if other SRA survivors are developing ESP (OF ANY KIND!) as I get the impression everybody is leveling up. The only problem so far is that my posts get moved OUT of the religious/cult abuse section.

I'm guessing crystals is off the subject and people like me should post in general discussion? I'm certain nobody in this forum would suggest cult abuse doesn't apply to the 1970's I got exposed to. That 'not believed' wound was gushing for decades. Not anymore, thanks to the 'wisdom' from this ridiculous 'Lemurian Quartz' in my left palm.

So now I have to look up a bunch of HOO HAW medicine to move forward.... but I'm willing to do it. Wish me luck!
Post by: Kizzie on January 17, 2021, 06:04:13 PM
Hey Amnesia - Just wanted to let you know I moved your post because you are talking in it about what you are doing to deal with your CPTSD symptoms that were caused by SRA versus SRA itself.

Post by: marta1234 on January 17, 2021, 07:50:39 PM
Hi Amnesia, I wholeheartedly believe in what you wrote, that the trauma of abandonment and neglect are the core reasons to blocking healing.
I sent you a PM with a further discussion. Sending you support and care (if it's ok) your way!  :hug: