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Messages - FloatBoat

My therapist got me into warm drinks. They are pretty grounding. I have a cup of tea or a hot chocolate and I either curl up in a blanket with my dog or watch a funny movie when I can. I try to use my FBs for healing, but once I've processed as much as I can, getting my mind off what happened really helps. I also have smooth rocks that I like to hold and a playlist of songs that calm me down. Of it's been a really bad one, I will sometimes have a hot bath with Epsom salts.
Yes. I will wake up panicking often. Usually not even related to my dreams. It's kind of like a
nervous system response or something, but I wake up in full EF. In the early, early morning it's panic and fear, but I will also wake up around 7am in complete sorrow and despair. I'll just lay there and cry but not be sure why. I'm so sorry you experience this too. It's really hard. I've been taking an ashwaganda/rhodiola combo, as well as magnesium supplements. Seems to help a bit.
General Discussion / Re: Desperate need
May 26, 2015, 04:09:24 PM
Wow! I can relate to this, but with me, I get that initial small child response, followed by a reaction of fear and anger. It's like being around someone who cares and is the least bit mothering sends me off the deep end.
Hi. I'm FloatBoat. I was diagnosed with Complex Trauma PTSD about 5 years ago. I've had a pretty crazy life. Most of my major major trauma comes from being raised by a sadistic sociopath. I haven't ever met another person who has experienced that kind of childhood before. It makes it hard to relate to a lot of people sometimes. It makes it unbelievably hard to trust people or believe anything they are saying. I have some really random triggers that my T thinks are from infancy. I'm working to get a handle on them. Loads of other trauma that kind of builds on the foundation of that one. It's hard to talk about my life with other people. I feel like they get traumatized in the process of getting to know me and my family most definitely does not want to talk about it. It makes me feel pretty lost sometimes. I have lots of friends but they are arms length friends, it's hard to get close which leaves me feeling pretty lonely a lot of the time.