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Messages - TinyRhino

I am very familiar with the Enneagram!
Great question.
I was originally diagnosed with PTSD, major depressing and GAD. Sounds like a lot but it can probably all be rolled into CPTSD.
Medications that have been subscribed to me:
Sertraline an SSRI
The SSRI has been extremely effective for me. I cannot conclude that my nightmares have improved though.
I have been very lax about the Prazosin and have not really given it a chance to discern if it is effective or not when coupled with the SSRI.
Although the SSRIs and SNRIs are used for anti-anxiety, I have known people to benefit from them.  Generally a psychiatrist will start you on a very small dose, 25 or 50mg, and you will work your way up from there. I think the highest dose for Sertraline(Zoloft) is 200mg so if you surpass that, you might need to take several meds  to help you continue treatment.
General Discussion / Re: Nightmares
July 04, 2017, 04:50:11 AM
Just adding in: I have had brutal nightmares for 10years now. Ive tried Prazosin and stopped it because I didn't notice any changes. Some people suggest Valerian Root to help with falling asleep but it is quite smelly. However it is better than using Melatonin which is more useful for regulating internal clock.
One absolutely certain drowsy inducing medication is Trazodone and requires a prescription.
Over the counter medicine that works is Zzquil.
None of them seem to have any impact on nightmares though.
Good luck!
Hi, welcome.
I'm brand new to this forum as of today but I appreciate your post, especially because we have some similarities. I'm 29, F, single. My diagnosis is PTSD but I always knew that it didn't quite fit- I didn't hear of C-PTSD until today and it fits much much better. I have not added an introductory post with any background info; just browsing. But I look forward to hearing more of your story.
Thanks for sharing!
Please Introduce Yourself Here / Re: First day
July 04, 2017, 02:02:06 AM
Today is my first day. I'm guessing the community wont mind if you have a similar diagnosis.
The only kind of therapy that I have found helpful is attending twice a week for a duration of months/years.  Inconsistent therapy is rather ineffective in my opinion. I also found, after being very resistant to medications, that therapy coupled with an SSRI or medical/diet/exercise treatment is more effective.