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Messages - RecoveryKitten

I'm recently remarried to an great man, but during the first few months of our marriage the EF of my emotionally abusive first marriage are getting more frequent and strengthening. I want to explain EF to him so he can understand that my reactions are to the EFs and not him.
Has anyone found a good way of explaining this to a loved one?
Thank for sharing☺️
Sometimes I feel triggered by the stupidest things and get angry and start feeling like I can't control anything. 😕 I think for me I have a hard time dealing with anything that is not a part of my "plan".  It's like-"hello! Didn't you get the memo? This is how my afternoon was supposed to look! "  My sponsor told me once that when I feel frustrated I am trying to control something I can't control. Now I try to take a step back and see if I really am upset about what's going on or if I'm just mad that things are not following My plan😕  Helps me to see what is really triggering me.
Good luck and don't feel alone☺️
I am having the same problem. I've been in a 12 Step Recovery for 4 years and thought I was doing good! Then I got remarried a few months ago and have been having a lot of flashbacks to my first marriage.
I was in an emotionally abusive marriage for 14 years. My new husband is amazing and patient with me as I worth through this. I've talked to my sponsor and my husband about these flashbacks and by doing so I feel like the flashbacks have less power over me.  I try to be honest with my husband so that we can work through the feelings and not start our marriage by stuffing more feeling.
It's overwhelming some days though. It's as if I reach my limit of flashbacks I can handle and then I shut down emotionally and mentally. I try to focus on the fact that it is a flashback and not truth. After some time I calm down and can talk to my husband about it. But it's hard to reach the point of breaking down (since usually into some place public 😕).  My husband has asked me to do one thing regarding be patient with myself. Which is so very hard. I just want to be better.
Thanks for Sharing☺️