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Messages - Armee

That's a big brave step :grouphug:
Next Friday at that time yes, this Friday no. Friday June 14th probably yes
Sent her a note that I'm interested but like NK not available at those specific times. Hope she gets a good cohort
Recovery Journals / Re: Hope's Journal 2024
May 28, 2024, 01:16:45 PM
 I hope you can too
Just a quick note here that although we want to end with a measure of hope we also want it to be realistic abiut what hope and healing means with other words it is OK to write something even if a member doesn't think they will ever be completely healed and still struggle, we'd still welcome anyone's thoughts on the topic as it feels ok for them.

We do not wish to promote false positivity, just positivity in the cptsd frame. For me it's something along the lines of acknowledging I still need intensive therapy and may for some time, acknowledging I still have gnarly flashbacks and symptoms, but also that I feel so so much better than I ever have before and would never go back to how I was before I started on the path toward healing.
Recovery Journals / Re: Sage's Journal
May 21, 2024, 03:59:06 PM
What an obnoxious way to advertise for a writing class. Ick.

Thanks for reminding me about chicken tinga! Such a great filling!
I'm sorry all those wicked people did wicked thing to you. A child never ever deserves or attracts that but monsters know who they can get away with attacking. That's not your fault that's the fault of the people who harmed you in the first place. It's not you, or who you are.  :grouphug:
Checking Out / Re: Taking a break
May 20, 2024, 03:17:57 PM

Take care of yourself.  :grouphug:
Please Introduce Yourself Here / Re: Hello :)
May 20, 2024, 06:45:50 AM
You sound remarkably strong and aware. I am sorry for what you went through. It is extremely common...nearly 100%...of people who post on this forum believe they are not worthy to post here or what happened wasn't bad enough. It's never ever true. So just welcome to you. You'll find community here and support and empathy. Honestly receiving empathy and validation from the people on this forum who have been through so much has been more healing than anything.

Take your time posting in a way that is comfortable and healing to you. And welcome we're glad you are here.
New Members / Re: What's in a Name Part 2
May 20, 2024, 02:57:19 AM
I can't think of a better forum to start on. It's well moderated and very safe and supportive. Welcome again.

I actually start back to work tomorrow after a nearly 3 year break because of the ptsd symptoms. I'm quite anxious because there are a lot of triggers at work. It's a great workplace but just the nature of the traumatic things that happened makes work a huge trigger.

I'm sorry to hear of your roadblocks. Forestry does have a reputation for a sometimes difficult work climate (not meteorologically speaking, though that too)
New Members / Re: What's in a Name Part 2
May 19, 2024, 11:12:08 PM
Welcome.  :wave: I like it, your name.

I got a lot, too. I like that term. My parts parts have parts.  :fallingbricks:

Also in an environmental field with some overlap with forestry.

Therapy / Re: Psychedelic Assisted Therapy
May 19, 2024, 11:30:42 AM
I think the studies did include people with severe and chronic trauma like child abuse as a substantial part of the cohort studied, not just 1 time trauma, MDMA studies at least. I think of that a bit as a marker of likely cptsd.

I've come to a point where I have tried nearly everything whole heartedly and for a long time...cbt, dbt, mindfulness, somatic, emdr, and ifs. I have 90 min sessions a week sometimes more when needed for 5.5 years, and added an additional therapist 50min a week for about a year. I still have extreme symptoms when triggered that I can't control.

I'm giving it another 6 months and if I'm still in the same boat I'm going to start the process of finding mdma assisted therapy. It won't be a silver bullet but I think it will help soften the barriers and make the emdr and ifs more effective and quicker.

Checking Out / Re: Leaving for a while
May 18, 2024, 02:58:09 AM
Recovery Journals / Re: Hope's Journal 2024
May 17, 2024, 02:15:59 PM
I'm glad you allowed yourself to write this Hope. It's really important.

I think there's inner wisdom and when it's time to reach out to a therapist you will. You've done a ton of really important work regulating your nervous system and that will really help make great use of your time when you do see a therapist.

And when you don't need to go into the difficult stuff right away or quickly.
That's a lot of stuff to be sifting through Dollyvee. Just wanted to leave a :grouphug: if that's helpful.