The Potting Shed - Part 2

Started by Kizzie, June 25, 2020, 03:58:06 PM

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So friends in warmer parts of Canada are telling me about all the lovely spring flowers, trees leafing out, etc and here we are just growing snow. We do get to be a bit smug during the winter though because we have lovely warm Chinooks that break up winter and teases us that spring is on the way (it's not).

Soon though, soon.  :sunny: 


I bought some Turk's Cap lily bulbs this fall and potted them in small containers on my indoor window sill with some mix from my outdoor containers that, FYI/TMI, the neighbour's cat has been using as a au plain air loo. I wanted to see if I could force the bulbs for indoor planting. Having no idea what I was doing, and lacking follow through, they sat on my kitchen counter until March (?) when I decided to plant them.

I've developed a collection of what I'll call rebel flowers/plants. I don't really want to call them weeds as one as these pretty pink flowers. Weeds suggests something that's not supposed to be there that you have to take out and kill, when all along, they have just been floating on the wind, trying to find a home. Maybe I feel some affinity and connection to things that survived like that. Who am I to be a judgemental gardener? Something that I'm now learning through one of Patrick Teahan's videos was probably the result of a boundary crossing growing up.

I didn't think the lilies would grow, but maybe a month ago, a shoot started. Everything else looked like they were buried in this brown muck. Somewhere inside, I think I reprimanded myself (oh those familiar voices) for not knowing what I was doing and feeling like I failed; I could have been better, done better. I noticed about a weeek and a half ago that more shoots have started. It is not a lost cause (oh look, another phrase my gf used to call me). I guess sometimes things just need a little space and time to grow.


Turk's Cap lily - lovely! I've just googled so I could see a picture. Too bad the cat has no sense of visual beauty. I think I read somewhere you can dissuade various mammals from using an area by scattering ground pepper around.

I like the idea of rebel flowers :thumbup: I tend to call them wild flowers and I encourage them :)


Thanks Blueberry, I will look into giving that a try. Right now I've covered them over with some old trellis and hope it gets the hint!