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Topics - TakePainsBePerfect

Please Introduce Yourself Here / Noob
March 12, 2016, 08:22:30 PM

I have joined this site as I have been failing to find the right psychologist and I'm starting to question whether I will ever feel safe in therapy (I'm studying psychology and feel extremely unsafe when I notice even the smallest of inaccuracies). Perhaps a little camaraderie is in order.

I'm not really sure what to write; at this point I don't feel safe describing my CPTSD. I've been coping by writing scripts. I wrote a play with a strong autobiographical element, and next week a group of actors will be reading the script for the first time. It's terrifying, but necessary for my humanitarian cause (an attempt to put bad experiences to good use so that they weren't completely meaningless).

Although my grades have been excellent, I've been struggling to study. I miss the performing arts, and although writing is therapeutic, it feels a little wrong not to focus on my acting. That said, it was drama school that sent me to the mental hospital, so I suppose it's fair to not rush back into it.

Thanks for reading.