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Messages - OnceHadMoxie

Please Introduce Yourself Here / Hello/Intro
February 13, 2017, 09:10:53 PM
Hello everyone. I'm glad to be here, but of course not glad about my diagnosis that brought me here.
I'm not really sure where to post - I read that there is a section for ppl who developed CPTSD in childhood and one for ppl who developed it in adulthood. I feel like I maybe fall into both categories bc I developed PTSD (not complex) in childhood due to abuse, but just recently got diagnosed in adulthood with COMPLEX PTSD. Approx 10-15 years ago, I spent 7 years in weekly therapy sessions recovering from my PTSD from my youth.
My recent CPTSD diagnosis stems from the stress of my current situation of living with my husband who has Borderline Personality Disorder. People with Borderline Disorder constantly create chaos in their relationships. It's like living with Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. Emotional/psychological abuse is just part of the package, as is complete unpredictability as to who he will be from day to day.
I am physically disabled, unable to work, and completely financially & physically dependent on him, and therefore unable to leave the relationship. Living with such instability & emotional abuse has brought back my PTSD from my youth, although it is now diagnosed as complex bc of years of enduring this abuse. Disclaimer: We dated for 2 years before we married & it wasn't until shortly after the wedding that his personality disorder traits were revealed. We have been together for 5 1/2 years and married for 3 1/2.
I currently see a psychiatrist (who diagnosed me) & have weekly appointments with a psychologist. Most days I'm pretty ok, but then I have days like today where I feel completely paralyzed with panic, anxiety & fear.
Not sure where I should post. Any suggestions?
Thank you for listening.