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Messages - dur8516

Please Introduce Yourself Here / Re: Hey there!
June 10, 2018, 11:28:50 PM
Hello everyone! Thank You for your warm welcomes, I hope to hear from you more as I progress in my journey in recovery!
Thank you for your book suggestion erebor, I will have to take a look! My Italian family is more overbearing than anything else... I know they have whats best for me always in mind... but sometimes they don't realize that I don't need to be told what I'm doing wrong, and I need a little recognition for doing something good... It probably would have done wonders for my self esteem!
And Gromit, No judgement about the friends... I probably have about 3 good friends and I don't talk to any of them very frequently.
Please Introduce Yourself Here / Re: Hey Y'all
June 10, 2018, 11:22:42 PM
Nice to meet you! I'm definately in the same boat as you! I have parents that are extremely caring but overprotective! I was not even allowed over anyone elses houses until I turned about 16, which can definately change someone's socialization skills. Moving out on your own will do wonders for you! It might be scary at first, I won't lie, but you develop so much as a person that you will feel refreshed even on your worst of days! Glad you have your siblings to talk to as well if you are having a bad day!

Welcome to the forum! Hope to hear from you some more!

General Discussion / Re: SOCIAL ANIXETY
June 09, 2018, 01:40:43 PM
This forum caught my eye because before CPTSD was initially brought up to me, someone had diagnosed me with Social anxiety- That being said I have alot of tips on what was able to help me through anxiety!

For one- It makes it easier on me when I talk to someone I am more comfortable with fairly frequently- a partner, best friend, co-worker you are close to- just someone that you can keep the conversation going about meaningless topics. Even though it isn't always going to be a meaningful conversation, it has always given me the extra boost of positivity in myself that I can actually hold a conversation.

Also, if you have problems finding someone to do that with, it helps to start conversations with strangers about things that can be relatable- If you are at the grocery store- talk about how fresh the lettuce is or how the weather looks so nice out... that also gives me a boost of energy when I need it,and worst case scenario if they walk away you don't need to keep the conversation going because you don't know the person.

The same idea goes for your co-workers though, get comfortable talking about something you can relate on- a client you have per se or some paperwork you did together and maybe you will get more comfortable from there!

Once you feel good about talking with a few people- it only gets easier from there!
Please Introduce Yourself Here / Hey there!
June 09, 2018, 01:22:05 PM
Hey there, I wanted to go ahead and introduce myself a bit. I am 25 years old, and I have been jumping from counselor to counselor since I was about 16. It wasn't until this past year that a counselor suggested C-PTSD to me, and I just felt like the description just resonated with me as exactly what I was feeling. My family is a very old school Italian family that moved to the US years ago, but they still have a lot of old school beliefs that they tried incorporating into when they raised me. I guess you could say that my family loved the idea of me more than who I actually was as a person... because I didn't even know who that person was until I moved out(so how could they?).

I would say my problems mostly stemmed from my family never being happy with me when I was a child primarily-
Secondary- I would say my problems also stemmed from childhood neglect from both my family and friends... the only time anyone needed me was when they needed help... but I didn't get to play games with anyone or experience friendships like alot of other children my age.

I am just now coming to the terms with the fact that I am extremely emotionally stunted because I have had friends and relationships, and I have not been able to connect on an emotional level like a lot of other people my age do. I want to learn to deal with that better, and get advice from people who know what its like to have a family that was never emotional with them growing up!

Anyway, I look forward to talking to all of you! I am extremely excited to get to know people who genuinely understand what I am going through! Nice to meet you!