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Hi everyone. I'm in my 20s and was recently diagnosed with PTSD and with rheumatoid arthritis. 2016 was the worst year of my life and I had to relive a lot of the terror and anxiety and loss of control that I felt when I was abused as a child. I have a few family members with RA (the onset for them was much later than for me) but this stress apparently triggered it. I have previously managed my stress enough but with too many bad things happening at once, I began to have extreme anxiety, depression, and panic attacks. I was looking for information on this and found that recent research links an increase in PTSD symptoms to higher risk of developing RA in women.
If anyone else comes across information like this please share.
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January 18, 2017, 01:38:08 PM
Out of the Fog has been a priceless resource for me (my username is just plain sparrow there) so I decided to check out this forum as well. Have a blessed day. :)