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Messages - lonewolf

Therapy / Re: EMDR is Working
March 09, 2015, 12:26:09 AM
Hello byways,

Thank you for sharing your experiences with EMDR. I've recently met with a psychologist and I will begin my first session with EMDR tomorrow. I let her know about the CPTSD. A couple of the more enlightening issues that came out of our first session (history, issues, timeline, events, etc.) was my fear of actually being in the moment with my emotions and her question of whether I felt stress or anxiety. That was a light bulb moment. I had always just assumed I was under a lot of stress all the time, but her asking me that made me realize that I actually feel anxiety. I suppose that I am so used to feeling it that I didn't understand what it actually was. Does this make any sense at all?

As well, I liked her approach to explaining that I have to go back to the originating traumas to begin the healing process. She likened dealing with only the recent traumas as pruning a plant, but if there are issues at the root the plant will still continue to have issues. Obviously true, but I like that she was cognizant and caring of my earlier traumas. I too often over the years hear (yes, even by therapists) to just get over it and move on. If only it was that easy then I wouldn't be where I am today.

I am feeling both optimistic and frightened for my first session tomorrow. I am happy to post my experiences with EMDR if you or others are interested.
Please Introduce Yourself Here / Lonewolf's Intro
March 08, 2015, 11:13:57 PM

Hello everyone, I'm new to the site, but just wanted to say this thread is the sign of the beginning of a great journey. The experiences and information that people have posted here really resonates with me. I am very early in my discovery of CPTSD. Over all my years of searching for answers, seeking therapy, etc. this "disorder" is the only one that seems to fit and speak so clearly to me. I came to it by taking the ACE test and then followed the markers to CPTSD. I have recently begun EMDR sessions with a psychologist and I'm trying to soak up as much information in this area as I can to begin the healing process. I've just bought Peter Walker's book and others which include The Last Best Cure by Donna Jackson Nakawa and The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk.

I never thought I had "flashbacks" until I read Peter's description of emotional flashbacks (I always thought that had to be visual). This explains so much about my seemingly "irrational" responses to certain moments or events. Additionally, the shared thoughts on "disassociation" are very useful as well. I "check out" a lot but I've always chalked it up to laziness and a lack of motivation. Thank you all for your insights.

I'm grateful to have found this forum and I look forward to learning from and sharing with you all.