dogs and severe PTSD

Started by Oakridge, September 14, 2017, 02:15:51 AM

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I have been off this site for a spell, partly because i can't figure out how to navigate the amazing amounts of new postings each week. I also decided to adopt a second dog due to my love of these beings. I believe they have made me a better human and my first dog has helped me manage my CPTSD in good ways. Ironical the new dog is a rescue from a severely traumatic first four years of life and turns out to have what we would label severe PTSD from early life trauma. I would not say that this has been an easy transition over the past 5 months. I have been stunned at how easily she enters into a PTSD bout when it seems nothing that i am seeing should have caused it. I am also humbled that in the first couple of months her bouts often triggered mine. Yet, i feel she has been my greatest gift in life. Watching her go into these bouts and realizing i had the same tendencies or patterns helped me better see and manage my own bouts  and be so much more compassionate and helpful in rehabilitating  her. I would love to say that she is rehabilitated, but that would be expecting something from her that i can't fully accomplish. What i do know is that after 5 months, she is one of the sweetest and most loving dogs i've had the privilege of having in my life and that i have to more fully allow her bouts, like tonight, to be without judgment or expectation that she will be 'cured.'  I find that i am applying the same wisdom gained with her to myself and am learning to manage and more importantly accept my own bouts without escalating them to full crisis levels.  I feel very grateful for this.

Three Roses

We also have an amazing dog who was rescued from a severe situation. He's been with us 2 years now, and we've seen him really blossom. I can see him enter an episode, see him realize he's here now, and show something like chagrin as he accepts our loving response. It's been really illuminating. Hugs to you and your pooch. :)


I got my first dog 18 months ago and she has really helped me as much as I helped her.

I got another rescue dog 6 months ago but this one had been very poorly treated and the things she did triggered my PTSD and broke my heart most days.

Now they are both great, bonded to each other and to me and i think we rescued each other.

I think of them as my therapy dogs, because they are. More benefit to me than the meds I've tried too.